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"Chili cheese fries," we exclaim in unison.

I slump back in the computer chair in feigned exasperation, just staring at the most amazing person I've ever met. She is leaning against the wall with her legs stretched out in front of her as we talk. Her bronze coloured skin is on full display in the shorts and the sleeveless half shirt she's wearing, and I want to let my hands roam freely over her body. I don't mean this in a sexual way, I just want to know if her skin feels as smooth as it looks --and I also want to be close to her. But honestly, I'm okay with where we are in the relationship; there isn't much physical contact, and we don't get too close to each all the while enjoying the other's company.

"How many is it now," she asks, a smile on her beautiful face.

I move the pen down the sheet of paper I was using, counting how many things we have in common, "Twelve."

From the same favourite cereal, to the same favourite band, we have so much more in common than I thought we would. Our life motto, don't talk, just listen, it's the only way to get information. I have never met someone so much like me, it's kind of scary to think about. Yet, I feel like as though we were meant to be together.

"Where is your dream vacation spot,"I ask her, tapping the pen on top of the desk.

"I don't really have one, anywhere the the wind takes me is fine," she shrugs.

"Really, well, I think the wind is taking you to the kitchen."

She laughs at this, and slides off the bed to open the door. I am up and out of my seat before she can get to the door, and open it so she can just walk out. Keeping a good distance between us, I follow her down the stairs and into the kitchen. Nearly gagging when we enter the room, I scrunch up my face in disgust at the blonde sitting at the centre isle. Jessica is seemingly immersed in her phone as she sits, and I feel the need to disinfect everything within a five foot radius of her.

I make Lisanna sit two stools away from her, and she raises an eyebrow at me in question. Shaking my head at her, I gesture about the kitchen to try to change the subject, but she ignores me. Lisanna moves over a seat, turning to Jessica and tapping her on the shoulder. Internally I am screaming no, but on the outside I am completely passive as I watch the blonde snap her head in Lisanna's direction. Her blue eyes narrow at the other girl, but she isn't even phased by it.

"Hi, I'm Lisanna, Kieran's girlfriend," she smiles, holding out her hand.

"And I should care why," Jessica pauses, sizing Lisanna up, "mud puddle?"

Self-restraint, something Lisanna has but I don't. In less than a second, I was standing right in front of the bimbo, mere centimetres from her flat face. The smirk on her face wasn't sitting well with me, and if I were a girl, I would have smacked it off.

"Speak to her like that again, and I will not hesitate to pop those implants you call breasts," I growl angrily.

Lisanna gasps on the other side of Jessica, while the woman herself just stares with her mouth open. Now it's my turn to smirk at her, I move back to where I was standing and she stands up to leave. From over the counter, I see Lisanna stick her foot and Jessica (like the dumb broad she is) trips over it. I smile at her and she returns it whole-heartedly, her whole face glowing with happiness. Happy looks really fucking good on her, and I'm going to make sure that's how is stays.

Leaning on the counter, I grab her hand and intertwine my fingers with hers. In the short time we have been together, I've learned that being intimate isn't always kissing, hugging, cuddling, or sex; sometimes the most intimate thing you can do is hold a person's hand. Her hand is soft against mine, and I love the way her fingers fit in between the spaces of my own. Gazing at her, I wonder if she knows that would go to the ends of the Earth to make her happy. Somehow in a week's time, I have become absolutely smitten with this curly haired beauty. It could have been the way she walked --a sway in her hips and a pep in her step-- or the slight accent she has in her sweeter-than-honey voice. Or her beautiful brown eyes that leave me in a trance like state, or maybe it was the lovely the glow of her skin. Maybe it was the radiance of her smile, or the expansive knowledge she holds within her; I adore this girl with every fiber in my body.

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