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The week after is nothing but this big haze of getting high, school, and work. I vaguely remember a few things in between, like driving out to the woods to the place Lisanna showed me. Or becoming my father's punching bag one night and then crying into my pillow until I fell asleep. There's also getting drunk for the first time and passing out on my mother's couch, but one thing I don't remember is kissing Selena. Even now as she sits here and tells me about how great of a kisser I am, I don't remember ever putting my mouth on hers.

"Baby, are you listening," Selena cooes, wrapping her arms around mine as she nestles into me.

Ignoring the pet name, I smile and repeat whatever it was she said to me. To be honest I wasn't listening to her, but I did hear her, I didn't care enough to really listen to her speak. Alas, my regurgitation of her words seems to satisfy her, and she falls silent as she continues to lean against me. Soon our table begins to fill with our friends and Landon, and we get side glances as everyone sits down. Also ignoring them, I eat my food with my left hand, seeing as how Selena is holding my right hand hostage. Everyone ignores that I've grown an extra human on my side, and make pleasant conversation with each other.

"Oh, oh, Kieran and I are going to homecoming together," Selena bursts, joining on a conversation between Andre and Wyatt.

Giving her a bewildered glare, I whisper to her what the hell is she talking about, but she just laughs. I really want to say bitch this isn't funny, but I bite my tongue and try to remove my arm from her grasp. Of course she just holds it tighter, trapping my in my seat and I sigh in defeat. Wyatt gives me a "what the fuck" glance, and I roll my eyes as I shake my head. A kiss, that I'm not even sure happened, has Selena attached to me like she was born to be there.

Lunch passes by slower than normal, and when the bell finally rings to signify the end, I nearly jump for joy. Selena tries to kiss me, but I turn my head quickly so that she only gets the side of my face. Trying to get out of the cafeteria as fast as possible, I rush to dump my tray, and out of the door. I put my headphones in as I walk to one of the classes I actually enjoy being in: Baking. Never did I think making pastries, and things of the sort, would be so calming. Somehow though I got stuck in a group of football players, who seem to need help every five minutes. The only one that knows what they're doing is Taylor, who's only in the class to impress Wyatt with his newfound baking skills.

As soon as I walk into the classroom, Taylor calls me over to him and I prepare myself for the worst. I know I don't have the best piping skills, but I thought I did a pretty good job on the roses. Then again it could be about the chocolate filling I purposefully put in our teacher's creepê. Letting All of that fly out the window, I sit down at our table and look at him expectantly.

"I need your help," he says instantly.

Slightly bemused at his request, I pull a face and ask, "My help with what?"

"Asking Wyatt to homecoming, it's not going to be anything big of course; I'm saving that for prom. I want it to be something small and cute, and it has to be something that will make him smile."

"Small and cute," I pause for a second as I think it over, "Just stick a note in a cupcake and give it to him."

Taylor grins at the idea, and claps me on the back in appreciation. I fly forwards in my seat a bit from the unexpected blow, but tell him you're welcome as he merrily skips away. Rubbing my shoulder, I sit back in my chair again and wait for the class to start. Just as the teacher is about to begin, my name gets called over the loud speaker to go to the office. All heads turn to look at me as I stand, but I keep my head down as I walk out of the door. What did I do now, nothing that I can remember that's for sure.

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