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"Get back here young man," my father calls as I stomp up the stairs.

"Fuck off Frank," I yell, throwing open my room door.

I can hear his footsteps thundering up the stairs behind me, so I quickly lock my door and lean against it as I let out a deep breath. He pounds on the thick wood, which cause the door to jump against my back, but I don't open it. My head hurts, and this knot in my chest is getting fucking tighter, I'm dying. And suddenly, I'm screaming louder than I ever thought possible, my lungs can't take the strain. I'm screaming and trying to catch my breath at the same time, everything is blurry. Saline liquid streams down my face as I continue to scream, and I don't even realise that the knocking on my door has stopped.

Pulling on the black tufts of my hair, I lean my head back against the door as my screaming subsides. I still can't breathe, my chest is heaving and I just can't seem to take in enough air. Opening my eyes, something catches my now bloodshot corneas and I tilt me head to the side in question. Getting on my hands and knees, I crawl across the floor to the mystery item, her bracelet. The one I bought her for last month, I try to remember how she had come to leave it here, but draw a blank.

Using the bottom of my shirt, I wipe my tear stained face as I examine the bracelet in the palm of my hand. It's a sterling silver plate with a custom message enscribbed on it, cost me an arm to get made but it was worth it.

Heaven doesn't seem so far away when I'm with you.

I send my mother a quick text about it, and I receive one back right away. Locking my phone, I pull myself together and off the floor as determination takes over my body. Slipping the bracelet into my pocket, I clean up the small disaster that is my room and then leave. Bounding down the stairs, once again ignoring the calls of my frustrated father, I stride out of the front door. Pausing for a moment, I backtrack into the house again, and stand at the bottom of the stairs.

"Fiona's five months pregnant," I yell, dashing out of the door again, as Frank's voice booms throughout the house.

Skipping to my Rover, it was a manly skip, I climb into the truck and pull out of the driveway. Kitchen Sink by Twenty One Pilots plays on my phone and I rap along to the lyrics perfectly. My mood has changed drastically from what it was fifteen minutes ago, and I feel as if anything is possible. Arriving at my destination, I jog up to the door of the small house and prepare myself to knock on the door. Before I can even lift my hand, the door swings open to reveal a smiling Maurice and a frowning Mrs. Hallows. Well she was frowning until she saw me, then she smiled but it seemed a little forced.

"Kie, I didn't expect to see you here again," she says, genuine suprise in her tone.

Maurice mumbles something under his breath, which draws attention back to him and Mrs. Hallows tells him to leave. Smacking his lips, he shoulders past me with a curt nod and climbs into his car. I wait until he turns off of this street, then open my mouth to speak but Mrs. Hallows stops me.

"He's so disrespectful," she hisses, stepping aside to let me in.

Hesitantly I step inside the house, shutting the door quietly behind me as I ask, "What do you mean?"

"Defiling my daughter while my children and I are home, better yet defiling my daughter in my house. I'm a mother, yes I know Lisanna isn't a virgin anymore, but have the decency to take those 'activities' else where. My nine month old children do not need to hear that."

I try not to let how disgusted I am show, but my face just can't hide my emotions. Mrs. Hallows smiles at me as we both sit on the couch, and I put my head down as I shake my head. To even think about Lisanna being with someone else makes me sick, and to hear her mother talk about it makes bile rise in the back of my throat. For Maurice to even do something while her mother is home is horrific, I would be mortified if I had sex and my mother heard me. If my father heard me, I probably wouldn't care, hell I'd even keep the door open just to make sure he hears us. But I respect my mother and other people's parents too much to do it while they are home.

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