Epilogue .01

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Ten Years Later: Stadiums, Meet & Greets, and Rehabilitation Centres.

"Thank you, London, you've been as amazing as always," I pant into the microphone, a smile on my face as I scan the crowd of over one hundred-thousand people.

The crowd cheers loudly back at us, and I remove the guitar from around my neck as I take the mic from the stand. Walking up the stage, I sit on the edge of it and the roar from the crowd seems to grow. Soon enough the rest of the band is sitting next to me, and this really makes the crowd go.

"If the internet hasn't already told you, then we're here to tell you," Dane says, and slowly the crowd begins to quiet down.

"Sadly this is going to be our last tour," Jack continues next to me, and I smile at him warmly as he glances over at me.

We can hear boos erupting through the crowd, and people screaming no after his disclosure. I hold up my hand for silence, and once again the crowd goes quiet. Nodding my head, I look over at Crystal for her to begin speaking.

"We've been doing this for eight years now, and we've decided to settle ourselves down," she speaks, holding her hand close to the camera in front of us. "I'm getting married guys."

Cheers ring out across the stadium, and I pull Crystal in for a side hug. She hugs me back, and the crowd loses it even more as the sound echoes about the room. I laugh at this, causing girls in the front to reach out toward me as they call my name. They scream declarations of love, and I blow kisses at them in return. From the corner of my eye I see Dane doing the same, and soon enough I drop down in between the barrier. Security rushes toward me as I do so, but it's too late as I begin to high five and hug random people. Everyone else follows suit as they climb down as well, and after a few minutes of doing that we are back on stage again.

"Alright lovely people, you know what song's up next, let me hear you scream it," Jack says, sliding behind his drums.

The massive crowd begins to scream the song's name, and I smile as I grip the tooth around my neck. Performing this song, no matter how long it's been, always gets to me whenever we play it. It was one of our first original songs, although it wasn't meant to be, as well as our most popular. What once had started out as a journal entry, turned into a hit single on the radio, and we play it at almost every show.

"Porcelain, Porcelain," the crowd chants, and then I hear the first chords being played.

With all my heart I sing the words into the microphone, my mind projecting me back a day I will never forget. I gloss over the crowd, a sad smile on my face as I watch them wave their phone lights in the air. Although I haven't cried singing this song since we first performed it, I can feel the tears stinging in my eyes as the chorus comes around.

Making plans to rule the world,

A messed-up boy and a lonely girl.

I thought it would be you and me,

But we were never meant to be.

A lone tear slips from my eye, and the stadium becomes livid as I continue to expose my heart on my sleeve. Every ounce of my soul goes into singing the lyrics, and I almost choke on my words as the end comes up. A small knot is forming in my chest, but I push through it anyway.

The glass is shattered in our picture frame.

My tongue is bitter with the taste of your name.

In my chest is a numbing pain

Cos, baby my heart's made of Porcelain,

I take the mic off the stand as I move to the edge of the stage near me, and hold it out to the crowd. "Sing it loud and proud."

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