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"Merry Christmas, Mommy," I exclaim, jumping into her bed.

She wakes up instantly her brown hair a mess on her head as she looks at me with wide eyes. Flopping back down on her pillow, she drags her hands down her face as she groans in frustration. I smile as I begin to bounce on the bed, telling her to get up. Then I'm holding my forehead in pain because she popped me, which makes her laugh. Finally she drags herself out of bed, and I do a little happy dance as I follow her out of her room. We enter the living room, and I instantly head for the tree with present around it; I feel myself being pulled back by my ear, causing me to yelp in pain again.

"Only open one, they aren't all for you," she warns me.

"Well yea, I got you gifts too," I laugh, waving off her warning.

"Kieran, I'm serious, your sister has gifts as well as Wyatt and Porcelain, they are not all for you."

I pout my lips like a child, but I always get the most presents every Christmas. With a huff, I grab a smaller present with my name on it and open it slowly. My eyes grow wide as I stare at the pieces of paper in my hand, concert tickets to Bon Iver. Jumping up excitedly, I run to embrace my mother in a tight hug as I kiss her cheek. Thanking her about a billion times, I again kiss her cheek as she laughs while swatting me away.

"I'm going to start dinner, I don't want to be cooking until it's time to eat," she smiles, and I nod my head in understanding.

"Alright, I'm going to go pick up, Porcelain and Wyatt. Do you need anything while I'm out," I ask, heading to my the bathroom to shower before I leave.

"Macaroni noodles for the backed Mac and cheese, and get the elbow kind, shells are not meant for baked macaroni."

With a short laugh, I close the bathroom door and take a quick shower. The shower mostly consisted of me scrubbing myself slowly, singing Happy by Pharrell, and thinking of Porcelain; not exactly in that order. Once I was out, I get dressed in my room and then leave to go pick up my friends. Wyatt doesn't have a car, and because he and Porcelain live in the same block, I can pick them up together. Porcelain, my paradoxically ebony goddess, I need her.

I love the way she smells like caramel, and the way her lips form the perfect shape of a bow when she smiles. How she looks sexy yet elegant, and intelligence just pours from her. She's become the light of- she's become my best friend, and I love to see her happy. And so when I pull up to her house, I can't help but smile as I watch her walk down the stairs to her house. I open the car door for her, but my attention is now focused on the sway of her hips as she strides toward me.

Even from the front, the motion of her hips moving side to side, put me in a trance. There it is, that feeling that I'm not used to, and then I hear her laughing.

"Someone's happy to see me," Porcelain smiles, stroking my cheek as she climbs in the car.

My face heats instantly as I use one hand to cover the front of my pants. She notices this and laughs again, saying that one hand isn't going to cover that. O my god, she's keeps looking at my dick, what do I do? Closing her door hurriedly, I jog to the other side of the truck and get in as I ignore her cackling.

"Your laugh is ugly, and I hate you," I grumble, pulling ahead to Wyatt's house.

When he gets in he begins to laugh, and cooes at us.

"Aww, you weren't going to open the door for me too," he chortles.

"You're not as pretty as she is," I say, shaking my head.

Thus the beginning of him singing a very childish song about us kissing in a tree. Why did my mother agree to him coming over, I love him, but he's such a handful sometimes. Blocking out the sound of his singing, I turn on the radio and turn it up loud as we drive to the store for the macaroni noodles. Porcelain sings along to almost every song, and Wyatt is her back up vocals; the show is spectacular. As we roll into the parking lot of Wal-Mart, Single Ladies by Beyoncé comes on and both of them hurriedly climb out of the car, leaving the doors open.

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