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If you're horny, let's do it, ride it, my pony.

Swiveling my hips in circular motion, I pretend to be a stripper in Magic Mike. I become thoroughly embarrassed when I turn around to see someone staring at me. The little girl just stares with her mouth open and her older brother doesn't look very happy. With the slight raise of my hand, I greet them and pretend to look for something behind the register. After a minute or so of crouching behind the counter, I come up and see that more people have entered the store.

Moving around the counter, I take to the floor and see if I can help anyone, which most give a polite no. I shrug my shoulders as I go back to the front, and the little girl from earlier is there, eagerly clutching a CD. Smiling down at her, I take it from her so I can ring it up and my eyes pop a little. With a slight dazed look, I tilt my head as I address her older brother.

"You let your little sister listen to Slipknot," I question, a bit horrified.

The guys just shrugs as he pets the little girl's head, "It's what she likes, and I can't tell her no."

In the most judmental way possible, I slide my hand down my face but ring up the CD anyway. The girl giddily accepts it back, running out of the store with her brother in tow. After they leave, a guy steps up to the counter empty handed and I give him a quizzical look. I ask can I help him, and he just smiles at the ground as he plays with his fingers. This makes me smile a bit, and I cross my arms over my chest as he finally gains some composure.

"Okay, I think you are really cute," the guy blurts, covering his mouth right after.

Grinning broadly, I tell him thank you and he let's out a deep breath, a sigh of relief. As we begin a light conversation about how I got my hair to be so bouncy, the guy's face clicks in my head. He's the same dude that tried to talk to Sam a long ass time ago. I bring it up to him, and a blush creeps onto his cheeks as he again begins to play with his fingers. He asks if they were here, and as if they knew they were being summoned, Sam appears out of the back. Their hair in a ponytail on top of their head and headphones in their ears, Sam air guitars their way past us. I rush to stop them before the head to the back, and I grab their shoulder I instantly take a step back.

"What did I tell you about touching me," Sam says calmly, stopping the music in their ears.

"How else, fuck it, there's someone who wants to see you," I tell them, and nod over to the guy at the counter.

He gives a shy wave, and I myself actually find it to be a bit endearing. I watch as Sam's jaw falls open, then they begin to fix themselves up before strutting over to the boy. Rolling my eyes, I grab my jacket from behind the counter as well as candy bar from the display, and leave the store after asking Sam to punch me out. As soon as I step out of the door, I bump into someone and end up knocking them to the ground. Quickly I squat down next to the girl, as she rubs her elbow with her eyes closed and begin to apologise as I help her to her feet. I inspect her arm to see if she hurt it terribly, but it's just a light scrape that's bleeding a little.

Without hesitation, I pull her into the shop and tell her to wait by the door as I rush to get a bandaid from the back room. Not even caring about the crazed looks everyone is giving me, I return to the girl and put the bandage on the abrasion of her light opal coloured skin. I go to apologise again as I finally look her in the eyes, but the words never pass my lips as I stare into beautiful golden irises. Homecoming night flashes in my mind as I just stare at her, and I let out a small puff of air as I remember how to breathe; she's breath taking. My hand goes up to stroke her cheek as I search her eyes, trying to see if she remembers me like I remember her.

"Lioness," I breathe, my thumb gliding across the sharp curve of her cheekbones.

"Gazelle," she sighs, her eyes becoming wide as she finally realises who I am.

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