[ Hawaii ] Kurapika x Samantha

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(Anime: Hunter X Hunter)

-Samantha's pov-

I sat on the couch playing on my phone when suddenly, my two big sisters rushed into the living room. They made so much noise but who cares; I can manage it. "Hey little sis, guess what?!" My big sister, Allyria shouted in total happiness.

"Hang on...Let me finish this first..." I continued to play Flappy Bird but died when my eldest sister, Crystal stole my phone away. "Nee-san!" I tried to retrieve my mobile but sadly, I failed.

"Sorry Samantha, but you have to listen to the great news we got~!" Crystal flashed a big and bright smile.

"If you say so..." I relaxed back into my seat. But I was so close on beating my highest score on Flappy Bird... "So what's the-"

"WE-HAVE-SIX-TICKETS-TO-HAWAII~!" Allyria was two steps ahead and literally screamed it out loud. I blocked my eyes since I don't want to become deaf.

"Are you trying to make me deaf?!" I yelled back when she was finish screaming.

"Oops, sorry...Got too excited~" Allyria sweat dropped and I sighed.

"So want was the thing again? Six tickets to where?" I asked.

"To-" But sadly, Crystal nee-san was interrupted by Allyria nee-san.

"TO HAWAII!" This time, Allyria wasn't so loud as before.

"Awesome! But how did you get them???" I asked with confusion.

"Actually..." Crystal nee-san scratched her cheeks while sweat dropping. I raised an eyebrow

"The creepy, paedophile clown gave it to us..." Allyria nee-san continued. Paedophile clown??? Where have I heard that?

"You know, 'the' paedophile clown with red hair." Crystal nee-san said.

"Red hair...? OHHHH, 'that' clown. What was his name again?" I asked while scratching my head.

"Crystal nee-san, I think you know his name since your boyfriend is FFFFeeeeiiiittttaaaannnn." Allyria nee-san dragged his name out. On the other hand, Crystal nee-san blushed and I smirked.

"E-Enough!" Crystal nee-san yelled in embarrassment. However, I still wore my smirk. My eldest sister glared at me and so I removed my smirk...For now anyway. "Ahem...I think his name was Hisoka? Anyway, are you coming with us little sis?"

"Okay sure...And can I have my phone back?" I asked. She nodded and gave it back. "THANKSSSSS~ oh and by the way, who else is coming with us?"

"Oh right~" I raised an eyebrow at Crystal nee-san.

"The 'guys' of course~!" Allyria nee-san smirked. I, however, was be on shocked.

"W-W-W-W-Whaaaaaa???!!!" I blushed. "Y-You don't mean..."

"Yep! Feitan, Killua AND Kurapika." I blushed even more. "AND, we're going in one week! And staying there for 5 days." I nodded very slowly and Crystal nee-san smirked.

"Allyria nee-san! You planned this didn't you!" I shouted in rage and embarrassment.

"Whatever do you mean?" She acted all innocent.

"Don't lie!" She smiled innocently.

"Maybe~" She skipped away; probably to her room, along with Crystal nee-san. I sighed. I can't believe I went into their trap...Oh well, I guess it won't be that bad, right?

-One week later at the boat that they are taking-

My sister and I arrived at the boat. "Now...Where are the-" I was cut off.

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