[ Fun Activity ] Kurapika X Shirena

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(Anime: Hunter X Hunter)

-Shirena's pov-

"Hey Kurapika~" I was lying down on my belly on my bed. Auto correct, 'our bed'. I kicked my legs up and down.

"What do you want to do then?" My boyfriend asked as he read his book. I heavily sighed.

"Anything, really...Just something, fun." I simply said.

"Hmmm, I know~" He smiled and laid down his book on a desk.

"What are you-" Kurapika's lips crashed into mine. I was shocked but kissed back anyway. His lips were so soft and warm and...Nice. Makes me want to have more of his hot kiss...We continued kissing for a while. When he pulled back, it made me feel, empty. His lips moved to my jaw line, then up to my ears. His touch sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't hold the noise down my throat any longer, so I let out a soft sound.

I could feel Kurapika's lips began to curl up and continued kissing, nibbling and sucking my jaw line and ears. Next he attacked my neck and found my sweet sport in one kiss. "Ahhh~ K-Kurapika~" I moaned as I felt something warm down there... (I can't believe I just typed that, I hope you're happy ButterflyOtaku) His right hand traveled down there. He started rubbing against it. It felt so strange, yet so good. I wasn't aware of my actions that I moved my hips a bit.

"K-Kurapika~" I moaned at his touch and shut my eyes.

"Does it feel good~?" He huskily whispered in my ear. I moved my hips a bit more, to really get that feeling in my stomach.

"Y-Yeah...So g-good in-ahhh~" Kurapika lightly pushed his finger in a bit.

"Beg." He commanded as he grabbed my left breast and massaging it. And after my left breast, it was my right.

"Ahhhh~ M-More~" He smirked as he rubbed that area a bit harder. I slightly arched my back in pleasure.

"Beg if you want to..." His finger made its way inside my underwear. I knew what he meant by that.

"Ahhh~ p-please K-Kurapika~" His lips curled into a smirk. "Ahhh~ please, it feels so good~" I sang sweet music into his ear. I opened my eyes a bit to my surprise, his grey eyes were full of lust.

"Hey Shirena?" Someone shook me up. My lazy eyes opened and scanned the area around me. I was in bed and that someone was Kurapika. I became so confused, I have no idea what happened. One minute Kurapika was on top of me and the next, he was next to me. Hang on...w-was that a-a dream?

"W-What happened???" I asked confused.

"You were sleeping and called out my name a couple of time, did you have a nightmare or something?" I stared at his concerned grey eyes. Soon, my face turned into a tomato. I pulled the blanket up to cover my face. "What's the matter?" I could tell he was even more concern because of his tone.

"N-Nothing, don't worry about it...And no, it wasn't a bad dream..." I muttered through the thick blanket. If only you knew...

"Uhhhh, okay then? But I made breakfast downstair." Wow, I didn't even realize the smell until now. How did I not smell that delicious smell?

"T-Thanks, I'll be down there in a sec."

"Okay, but don't take too long, your breakfast will get cold."

"Sure..." Soon, I heard footsteps moving away from me. I sighed and jumped out of bed. I soon arrived at my bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I can't believe I dreamt that, and honestly, I'll never tell him what dream I had if it was the last thing I do.


Well, I hope ya enjoyed this ButterflyOtaku~ ^-^ and sorry if it took me so long, homework wasn't being very nice lately. Wait, it never had been ever since I had it...Well whatever, and once again I'm sorry. Good byeeee~!

If you like to request a male character, please go to the book description (you know, where you write a blurb)  

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