[ Anything You Say? ] Feitan X Autumn

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(Anime: Hunter X Hunter)

-Autumn's pov-

"Hey, Shalnark, what was it like when you were on that mission?" I asked Shalnark curiously.

"Well, it went like this..." Shalnark started his story.

-Meanwhile in Feitan's pov-

I spotted Autumn with Shalnark. She seemed so happy. Suddenly, there's this feeling in my stomach and I don't like it. Every time I see them together, I just wanted to tear them apart but...That means I'm taking away her free will. Also, that'll make her sad and I don't want to see her sad. So I left them be. "Oh! Hello Feitan, why don't you come and join us???" Her smiles were always so bright.

"No thank..." I walked away. I soon heard quick footsteps coming towards me. Before I could react, something pulled back my sleeve. 

"NOOOOO! PWAY WITH UWSSSSSSSSS~!" Usually, I would be annoyed if someone did that to me but if it was Autumn, that's a different story. I sighed.

"Fine..." Her eyes glittered and she cheered. I secretly smiled at her reaction. 

"Autumn, Feitan, I want both of you going on a mission to..." I literally spaced out and I'm sure Autumn knows what to do...Hopefully.

-Time passed-

"Autumn...Do you know what we do?" She widens her eyes.

"You didn't hear? Are you death?" I rolled my eyes.

"Obviously, meh can't hear you." She giggled and I smiled under my bandana. Right after her giggle, she filled me in. "Okay..." Was all I have to say. Later on, she kept talking and talking about Shalnark's jokes, and it pisses me off. "Sh*t up, you noisy."

"Feitan, that's mean." She playfully puffed out her cheeks.

"Meh can be if meh want to," I said while smirking.

"Well..." She walked near me and slapped my head. I was surprised. "Ha! Never let your guard down you-" I flicked her forehead and she blinked a few time.

"You hypocrite...Stupid..." I smirked and at that moment, she burst into anger. She rambled on about how she was going to kill me. I smiled during her outburst. When she saw my smile (I don know how), she raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you smiling?" She asked. As soon as she asked that, I vanished my smile.

"You dreaming." She stared at me and I raised an eyebrow. "What?" For some unknown reason, she grinned from ear to ear. Out of nowhere, she started nudging my elbow with one of her own. "What you doing..." I was getting irritated but strangely enough, I don't completely hate it.

"You enjoy my company, right~?"

"You wrong," I said and she stopped nudging my elbow.

"Then why did you smile?" She asked while tilting her head.

"I no tell you..." I quickly said.

"What?! Pwease tell mehhh!" I shook my head and she used her puppy eyes. I no like her puppy eyes, but it cute. 


"Please! I'll do anything!" When I heard that sentence ringing in my ears, I smirked.

"Anything you say~?"

"Uhhh, why do I have the feeling that you're plotting something..." She muttered. "I change my mind."

"Too bad, no can do~"

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