[ The Bet or A Trap? ] Phinks X Solcea [Part 1]

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(Anime: Hunter X Hunter)

-Solcea's pov-

"Hey Phinks! You wanna have a bet?" I asked my boyfriend who was reading.

"Are you trying to lure me into something?" Crap he knows...

"Why would I do that?" I asked like I haven't got a clue what he was on about.

"Then why else would you randomly give me a bet?" Damn, he caught me red-handed.

"Well, you seemed to be reading and doing missions and in missions, you kept on saying that it's boring and everything. So I thought maybe you needed something entertaining other than reading." Damn, I'm so proud of myself.

"Fine, what's the bet?"

"Uhhh, who ever can make Feitan laugh wins and the loser has to do the winner a favour." Actually, I honestly don't know if I can make Feitan laugh but what I do know, is that he doesn't know Feitan's weak point. I saw Feitan and Crystal, his girlfriend and my nee-san, staring at me like the bet was impossible. Though it does seem impossible BUT, he MUST have a weakness...You see, everything has a weak spot, right?

"Are you sure about that? You don't know what my favour is if you lose. And it's not a nice one either." He smirked and I had shivers running down my spine.

"Well sadly for you, you won't be ordering me to do your chosen favour because I'll kick your a**." I stood tall and strong.

"Is that so? How can you tell?" He lowered his current book, looking interested.

"Uhhh...I have a gutsy feeling, yeah, that's how." Actually that's half true and half false. He chuckled. "Well, are you in or out?" I smirked a cocky smile.

"How about...No..." He dropped his I-am-interested act and continued reading.

"OH COME ONE! What are you? Chicken?" Feitan and Crystal nee-san chuckled. Phinks grew veins and I mean who wouldn't?

"Fine, you ask for it and don't come crying to me if you lose."

"Keep dreaming, mate." We both pulled off a staring competition. I won at the end because of my derby face. Jokes, though it would be funny...But I've won because he blinked obviously. "Ha! I win...!" He rolled his eyes. "Ahem, back onto the bet." Phinks tried to tickle Feitan but it didn't work. I tried telling funny jokes but he kept his straight face. Nee-san was watching in amused and laughed at my jokes.

Why did I choose this bet in the first place??? Why couldn't it be Crystal nee-san? Wait, that's too easy because she's ticklish and laughs too easily (Author: In real life, I'm not ticklish but I smile which is weird? But I laugh easily). Soon, an idea came into my mind. I stood beside nee-san and whispered into her ear, "Order Feitan to laugh when I tickle him." She smiled and nodded. She then whispered my orders to Feitan. Phinks just stood there, raising an eyebrow...Not that he has any eyebrows...Sorry Phinks, I just offended you.

Once Crystal nee-san was finished, Feitan sighed but nodded. I smirked at Phinks who had no clue what was going on. But he knew that I have a plan up in my sleeves (not literally though). I tickled Feitan's armpits and he laughed... "Ha...Ha...Ha..."

"I win!" My hand turned into a peace sign.

"Hey! That's cheating!" Phinks raged.

"I never said anything about, telling-nee-san-to-tell-Feitan-to-laugh, now did I?" He opened his mouth to argue back but I shut him up. "I only said whoever makes Feitan laugh, wins." I had my smarty pants cap up. Phinks sighed in total defeat.

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