[ I Like You but You Didn't ] Kurapika X Chesca [Part 1]

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(Anime: Hunter X Hunter)

-Chesca's pov- 

I hurried to the school's library after school. Once I entered the library, I searched for the next volume of the (whatever book you choose). I searched and searched but to my bad luck, I couldn't find it. I sighed. I knew I should've borrowed it yesterday but no, I didn't. Why didn't I listen to my gut?! I sighed and randomly grabbed a book that looked interesting. I then slowly made my way to the closest table.

I opened to the first page and started reading.

-10 minutes later-

To be honest, this book wasn't half bad and I'm half way through it. Suddenly, someone pulled a chair back making a screeching sound. I raised my head up out of curiosity. It was a boy, around my age. He has blond hair, grey eyes and honestly, he was quite cute. Something seemed familiar about him but I couldn't put my finger on it. He sat down and opened his book. My eyes widen. It's the next volume! OH MY GOD! On top of that, it looks like he's almost finished. How lucky am I?!

"Do you need something?" He asked all of a sudden.

"Huh? Oh-ummm, no." I replied and realized that I was staring at him for a while. Though, I do need something...And it's that book. He narrowed his eyes a bit, trying to read me like an open book. I tried to look normal but that didn't work.

"Are you sure?" He knew that I was lying.

"Honestly, I don't need anything..." I decided to stare at my book and pretended to read.

"Alright..." He shut the conversation and continued reading. Every once in a while I would glance at him, to see if he was finish with that book.

-A while later-

HOW LONG IS HE GOING TO STAY ON THAT PAGE?! I was on the verge of snatching that book away and by the way, it was the last book of the series. I have to found out if Sera and Dave are together or not. And I hope that b***hy girl named Flora, stay away from Dave. "I'm guessing you really wanted to read this book. Am I right." I was shocked. H-How did he...Oh wait, it must be obvious then.

"Uhhh, y-yeah..." I stuttered and I could feel my cheeks burning up a bit. I heard a chuckle which belonged to him. "Uhhh, what's so funny?" I asked while raising an eyebrow and slightly tilting my head.

"You could've asked me for the book. It's not like I'm going to bite." I pouted.

"For all I know, you could've tear me to shred." He chuckled harder which I find that odd.

"Anyway, you can have the book if you like."

"B-But you haven't finished it yet."

"Don't worry, I've already finish." Wait, did he do that on purpose??? But, I really wanted to read it.

"A-Are you sure???" I asked.

"Yes, of course." He handed it to me. I was eager to snatch it off of him but that wouldn't be polite. So I slowly took it. Once it was in my hand, I flipped to the first page and started reading without any hesitation. Hmmm, it's so good so far! But, why is he staring at me? I secretly glanced at him but I doubt it was secretive enough. But when his eyes stared at mine, I felt this weird feeling inside my stomach. I blushed a little and quickly continued reading.

-After a while-

He has been staring at me for like, ever since I started reading. I placed a book mark and shut the book. I planted it down on the table. He raised an eyebrow. "Have you finished it already?" I shook my head.

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