[ Chess ] Ciel X Leandra

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(Anime: Black Butler)

-Leandra's pov- 

I knocked on my master's door. "Come in." I heard master Ciel's voice. I opened the large double door and entered.

"You called me master?" I asked.

"Yes, I did. Sit and let's play chess." He ordered. I nodded and sat the opposite side of him. Long short story, I've been living here for about 4 days now and working as a maid. Before I was even here, I was living on the street and one day, he took me in. Though I wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because of my ability. My ability was to control the air around me. "Hey, stop daydreaming and make your first move."

"O-Oh, sorry master." So I made my first move. He started at me for a bit then made his first move. Why do I get the feeling that this game will take a while? Maybe even longer.

-Time passed- (sorry guys, I don't know how to play chess -.-)

I sighed as Ciel slightly smiled, which wasn't a surprise because every other game that we've played, he always smiled just like that one now. I can't believe I've won, for the first time too! But now my brain hurts! I massaged the side of my head. "Not bad, Leandra, you've improved since the last time we've played." My master commented.

"Thank you, master." I slightly bowed.

"How about another game?" He asked. You've got to be kidding me...

"Uhh, I'm sorry master, but I have work to do and-" Someone knocked the door, my guess it was Sebastian. Ciel sighed.

"Come in." He ordered. The door opened, revealing Sebastian, a man, and a girl, around Ciel's and my age.

"I'm sorry if I've interrupted, young master but you have a visitor." He bowed. Master Ciel sighed.

"What do you want? Mr. Tom, was it?" He lazily asked.

"Yes, I would like to discuss a few things with you." Mr. Tom said as he rubbed his hands together. He wore a fancy, black suit. His hair was as dark as the night sky. Though it was messy sort of. He looked like one of those greedy men. The girl was blond and had her hair down. It was curly too. She wore a pink and white, fancy dress. She looked like one of those selfish, 'think that she's the best and prettiest girl'. What was that word? Stuck...Up? Yeah, those stuck-up, rich girls. Ciel softly sighed.

"Very well. Please, have a seat." I could tell he was annoyed. Though I wasn't sure why. I stood up and walking to my master's side. "And you may leave, Sebastian." He bowed and left, closing the door behind him. Mr. Tom and...His daughter I'm guessing, sat down the opposite side of master Ciel.

"Should I leave too?" I asked my master.

"You should." The girl said as she twirled her blond hair.

"Enough, Victoria." Her father slightly hissed.

"As you-" I was cut off.

"No, she'll stay here," Master Ciel said.

"Master Ciel, I have work-" I was cut off once again. 

"Let Mey-rin take care of your work." I opened my mouth to say something but he beat me to it. "And it's an order." I closed it and softly sighed.

"As you wish, master. Though, shouldn't I tell Mey-rin then?" He sighed again. How many sigh is he going to do?

"Fine, but be quick." I nodded and bowed. I walked to the door when I heard a girl's voice.

"And make sure you bring in some snacks." She harshly ordered. I turned around and bowed. I might as well put poison in it. That should be fun but I shouldn't. Who knows what will happen after I murdered someone. I might end up back onto the streets. I shut the door behind me. I walked to the kitchen but before I was there, I bumped into Rin. She took several steps back, bumping into a table that has a vase on top of it. The vase wobbled and fell. Before it landed onto the ground and shattering into pieces, I used my air power to stop it from falling.

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