[ Show Me Everything About You ] Chrollo X Ari {HIGHSCHOOL}

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(Anime: Hunter X Hunter)

-Ari's pov-

"Hey, nerd, buy us lunch." Cassie, the popular girl in school demanded me, 'the nerd', to buy her gang lunch. It's basically past of my routine ever since primary school. I've been bullied and was a slave to my classmates. "Nerd, are you even listening?!" Cassie yelled at me and I stood up.

"O-Okay, s-sorry..."

"Huh, sorry my ass." She snorted and her two close friends laughed evilly. I quickly flee from that group and head for the door while adjusting my glasses. I was about to slide it open when suddenly, someone opened from the other side and stepped in the room. That action caused me to bump into that person and fall onto my butt. "Ow..." I muttered and rubbed my injured butt when it made contact to the floor.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't see you." His face wasn't familiar so it's safe to assume he's the one of the new people who has enrolled this school. Rumors were spread around the school like wild flies. Rumors said that the leader was...You know, handsome and what not. I bet it's this guy. He smiled at me and my cheeks grew hot. He offered me his hand and I slowly accepted it.

"I-It's okay and t-thank you." I softly thanked him as I looked down at the floor. Out of the blue, I was suddenly pushed to the right and again, I fell onto the floor like a few seconds ago or so. But, the fall was a lot worse. I bump my head on the table leg which lead to another small-ish problem. My glasses feel off of my face and now, I'm really blind. I'm short sited, like really short sited. Why is my luck so bad today?

Cassie introduced herself in a flirty tone and I didn't pay attention because of the pain in my head. The buzzing sound ringing in my head was driving me insane, well, maybe a little. But it was still annoying and it also hurts. I was about to stand up on my own but someone helped me up. I looked up at the person's identity and couldn't really see. It was blurry so I tried to focused my eyes by closing it half way. Surprisingly, the new guy came to help me again. I smiled a small smile.

"Thank you and um...Do you know where my-" I said happily and without another word, my vision became very clear. "Oh, my glasses! Thank you, umm."

"Chrollo and you are?"

"U-um, my name is-"

"Excuse me, I'm still here you know and nerd, I thought I said to go fetch my lunch." My face saddens and Chrollo saw my expression. I smiled a small smile to him before walking away without another word. However, I didn't know that he was watching me as the trio continued flirting with him.

-A couple of weeks passed-

I eventually told Chrollo my name without any interruption and he said it was a unique name, which made me happy. Anyway, Chrollo and his gang, 'The Phantom Troupe' was a badass and dangerous group. Though they're very popular and no one would want to mess with them. In my class, only three of them were in my class. Because all three of them sat so close to me, I'm the center of hate. Every single girl in my class wanted or wished I was dead.

Their hate overwhelmed me but Chrollo was kind enough to give me a hand. I'm not 100% what he did to lessen the pain but it worked like a charm. Maybe it's because Chrollo invited me to his group? (Nope! It's more than that~ Hint: Threats :3)

Anyway, as I were saying, three members were Paku, Uvo and Chrollo. Paku was supposed to sit on my right but my seat was next to a window, so she sat in front of me. Uvo sat behind me and Chrollo sat on my right. "Ari, are you having some trouble with the English work?" I shook my head and of course, that was a lie. "If you want to make a lie a good one, make sure you try harder next time."

"Oh, I-I'm sorry, I'll try-wait I mean, I w-wasn't lying." I fidget with my fingers, looking very embarrassed that I messed it up. He chuckled.

"You do know I don't mind helping you, right?"

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