[ Problem ] Karma X Reader

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(Anime: Assassination Classroom)

-Your pov-

I have a big brother who is a drug addict. He would make me do the house chores through violent. My boyfriend, Karma, from E-class (I'm also from there), doesn't know about the violence but I think he's catching on. My parents aren't alive so they can't do anything about it. But even though my brother hits me, I still love him and always put a smile. Okay, that's not entirely true, I do cry when he hurt me but I forgive him.

"Hey, little bitch, bring me my beer!" My bother yelled from downstairs.

"Okay!" I replied and stopped doing my homework. I quickly ran downstairs and got my brother's beer from the fridge. I gave it to him and what do I get in return? I slap on the cheek, which caused me to fall backwards. I touched my cheeks and held back my tears.

"You're so f***ing slow! Bloody hell! GO BACK TO UR F***ING ROOM AND BE F***ING QUICK NEXT TIME! God, how hard is to do your job quickly..." He opened his beer and drank it like there was no tomorrow. He looked at me with disgust and anger. "What are you f***ing waiting for??!! GO. TO. YOUR. ROOM!" I nodded and ran to my room.

I closed the door behind me and cried quietly. Suddenly, my phone rang on my working table and I wiped my tears away before checking who it was. The phone call was from Karma. Oh no, what should I do??? What if he knows something bad is happening at my house??? Before the call hang up, I answered his call. "H-Hello, Karma, what's up?" Great, I stuttered. Okay, Y/N, keep calm and DON'T SNIFF.

"How unusual for you to stutter in our call~" I slightly went stiff.

"What. Do you mean?" My speech was a lot better than the first but...It still wasn't how I normally talk. I heard a chuckle on the other side of the phone call.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Suddenly his voice sounded serious.

"Huh? Where did that come from?" I finally talked normally.

"You do realize I'll find out sooner or later, right~" He's right but...I just can't because I know what he'll do if he found out the situation I'm in.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Somehow, I knew he was smirking at me.

"You're such a bad liar, Y/N~"

"What? H-How did-I mean, what are you on about?" I stuttered and tried to cover the truth.

"You and I both know you're a bad liar." I couldn't think of anything but to accept it.

"Okay, you got me...But I'm not telling you-" I was cut off.

"I know, I know. It's best if it's like this cuz it'll be more fun this way~" I can't believe I forgot that he likes to play games, not ordinary games of course. There was a small silent, which was soon dismiss when I spoke.

"Well, I'll talk to you later, Karma. Got some homework to do." I smiled.

"Ehhh~? No, 'Karma-kun'?" Oops, I forgot...


"I guess you're not use to it yet but it's okay~ anyway, love ya~" I slightly blushed.

"L-Love y-you t-too..." I tried not to stutter but I guess it was pointless. With that, I ended the call. I wonder when he'll find out...

-Next morning-

-Class E-

"Whoa, what happened to your face?" Nagisa asked with a shock face. In fact, everyone's face was shock, including my boyfriend's.

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