[ My Savior ] Cheetu X Yin Flame [Part 2]

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(Anime: Hunter X Hunter)

-Yin Flame's pov-

We arrived at my grandparents place safe and sound, unfortunately, Cheetu had to watch me from afar and not be spotted. He is a Chimera Ant after all. My grandparent grief when I told them about my parents and I too cried till I can't cry anymore. After a long, rough day, I head to bed (after my night routine). When I heard a light knock on my window, which was covered by a thick, light brown curtains. I had a feeling it was Cheetu and when I uncovered the window ever so slightly, I was right. I wore a small smile.

He opened his mouth and said something but I couldn't hear him very well. I decided to open the window, which I should've opened it ages ago but whatever. "Sorry, I should've opened the window earlier. So what were you saying?" I apologized before asking.

"Nahh, it's alright. As for what I were saying..." He thought for a moment. "I saw you crying, are you...Okay now?" He asked looking really concern. Sadness flooded me again and I nodded then stared at my feet. He climbed inside and hugged me. It felt...Nice in an odd way. I can't really make it any clearer. Soon, we eventually parted and I felt empty again but hid it. "Do you want me to stay until you fall asleep?"

"That would be nice but...I'm concern that you'll get caught."

"Don't worry, I won't because I'm pretty quick, you know."

"Hmm, okay." I had faith in him so I simply went in bed and pulled the covers over my tiny body. As I closed my eyes, I felt his gaze over me and soon enough, I feel into a deep slumber.

-1 year passed-

A year had passed and now I've turned 15 but sadly, my grandparents passed away due to old age. So I had to move to my aunties house with a half-broken heart. Also, Cheetu couldn't stay with me and talk to me for long time because he had to leave and do what Chimera Ants do. But on the bright side, he would send me letters which I wonder how he managed to do so. I'm pretty think he threaded someone to do that. Not only that, I'm going to school! Surprisingly, I have many friends and I'm getting somewhat above average...Only a little but good enough.

"Yinnnn~! You've got another mail and it's most likely your boyfriend~" I flushed bright red when my aunty said that.

"I-It's not my b-boyfriend!" Though, it would be nice that Cheetu is my-I shook my head, dismissing the thought. No-no-no, what am I thinking!

"Yeahhh, sureeee~" My aunty replied and I ran downstairs to claim my letter before running back up with full speed again. She and her husband laughed at my blushing face and the way I ran. I puffed a little before sitting down onto my bed. I opened the letter as my heart picked up the speed.

It said, 'Hey Yin! How's school? I'm guessing its good and about your last questions...I did threaten them and may and may not ate bits and pieces of their body parts...' I mentally face palmed but continued reading, 'Anyways, onto the point...This is probably the last mail I'm going to send to you.' My face made a confusing expression. 'The reason why is because I probably won't be...Around for much longer and I need to tell you something. I love you. Ha, this is probably the worst place to confess and I don't even know how to do it probably. Well...I guess that's about it and...I guess this is good bye, Yin...Please don't forget me.' Tears rolled down from my eyes and landed onto the piece of paper.

While reading this letter, I couldn't believe what I heard and the first instinct I felt was to check the news on the internet. The result was unbelievable. The whole Chimera Ant race were complete wiped out. Tears blurred my vision of sight again and my heart broke into a million pieces. I wanted to yell. I wanted to cry but most of all. I wanted Cheetu to return to me. To feel his warmth. To talk and laugh with him. To tell him the good times and bad times at school. To feel love. But I can't...

Why? Why is this world talking those I hold dear? Why? Then the answer hit me. It must happen for a reason or maybe it doesn't have a reason at all. I wish you were here, Cheetu...And...I love you so much. I thought to myself as I wept quietly.

-Time skip to age 20-

After 5 years of thinking and studying, I decided to become a doctor so that I can help those who are in need. "Doctor Yin, a patient wanted to see you privately and apparently it's really important." I was sitting at my desk with papers everywhere (not really). I scanned through papers as I listened.

"Do you know who it is?" I asked.

"Umm, he didn't say but he did say that you know him very well." I immediately spun around with a confused face.

"Uhhh, where is he?"

"Next door." I stood up and left the room while thanking her with the weird information. I was convinced that it was someone at school who I haven't met for a long time. I'm pretty sure I've stayed in contact with all of them but I guess I was wrong. But who could it be and what does he want to tell me? When I swung the door open, I couldn't believe my eyes of what I saw.

"You took your time." He smirked as he stood up from the chair. I felt time had paused for a moment ot this was probably just a dream.

"C-Cheetu?" It was barely a whisper. My throat felt dry. He moved closer to me. "H-How?" He shrugged as he moved his hands into his front pockets.

"I'm not sure. So, like one minute I was going to die and the next, I somehow became a human-" I couldn't help myself and hugged him.

"I-I miss you..." I muttered and quietly cried on his shoulder. I felt him grinning and hugged back.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked quietly.

"Yes!" I moved my head back to look at him. We gazed at each other's eyes and slowly got drawn into each other. We lean in and slowly kissed. Everything around me felt like it wasn't there and it was just the two of us.

"Hey, mommy, they're kissing." A little boy pointed at us with a big grin. I blushed and we both broke the kiss, even with each other with bright red cheeks.


So sorry for the wait! Had exams and had no inspiration to write anything. Until I started writing a new book (which isn't a fanfiction and will be on wattpad soon and by soon...I mean a long time or something but don't worry, I'll let you guys know). Since holidays are coming, I'll promise to update as much as possible before school starts. Okay I think I've talked quite a bit now so byeee!!!

If you guys want to make a request, please choose an anime guy character below and Reader X Guy only plz, okay byeezz

Anime List:

- Hunter X Hunter

- Black Butler

- Bleach

- Naruto

-Tokyo Ghoul

- Gakuen Alice

- Yugioh

- Pokemon

- Bakugan

- Assassination Classroom

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