[ Birthday Persent ] Gaara X FeiFei17 {HIGHSCHOOL}

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(Anime: Naruto)

*warning to FeiFei17, this might be very short and I'm sorry DX I will try to make it long as possible. That's all*

-Gaara's pov-

I watched as everyone sang happy birthday to Marjorie. I did join in but my voice was very soft. I watched her as she enjoyed this moment and after singing, she received many presents but none from me. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to give her something but...I don't know what. I did ask Temari but sadly, none of her ideas was the perfect one. I sighed. "What's with that face?" Marjorie asked causing me to startle.

"Nothing." I kept my cool so I didn't seem suspicious. Her stare pierced me like an arrow.

"I know you're not."

"I said I'm fine, really." I lied. She soon gave up and we continued class. I felt guilty for lying since I hate lying to her but I really don't want to worry her.

-Time passed to home time-

After all that time, I haven't thought of a present for her. I hung my head low as I walked to the gate. When I arrived at the gate, I waited for Temari and Kankuro. Roughly 30 seconds had passed and Kankuro arrived. "Hey, little bro." He slightly waved.

"Hey...Where's Temari??" I asked as I looked around trying to spot her.

"She's with Marjorie, I think." I raised an eyebrow. I wonder what those two are talking about...

"Do you know why?" I asked.

"Nope, one minute she was with me and the next, she left with Marjorie. Oh, speaking of Marjorie, I think I heard her saying that she needed to see you." I widen my eyes slightly.

"Really?" He nodded. "Then where is she?" He raised his hands up.

"Don't ask me. I really don't know." Now I'm really curious...

-Moment has passed-

"Hello, Gaara! Sorry to take Temari away from you, I just needed to borrow her for something."

"And what is this 'something'?" I asked, looking suspicious.

"Nothing~ jokes! We've discussed that I'm having a party tomorrow since it's Saturday. So, do you want to come?" She blurted her 'secret' out and before I could respond, Konkuro butted in.

"Yeah, he'll be coming to your party and Temari and I will be there too."

"Okay, awesome! I'll see you guys later and before I like, go. The party starts at 12 and ends at, whenever you choose, pretty much..." She paused for a moment as she thought of things that needed to be said. "And you don't have to bring a present of you don't want to." Before anyone said another word, she sprinted out of the school. I sighed and we started our journey home.

-Time passed-

"So Gaara, what are you going to give her?" I shrugged as I slightly daydreamed. Temari thought for a bit then an idea exploded in her mind.

"I got it! I thought of a present that you can give her!" I looked at her with a curious look. "You can..." She continued.

-Majorie's pov-

-Bday Party!-

I greeted everyone that entered my house and they did the same. They either said, 'happy birthday for yesterday', 'nice house you got here' or somewhere along those lines. I sat on a couch with some of my other friends as I wait for Gaara and his brother and sister; Konkuro and Temari. Hmmm, I wonder why they're late. Did they get lost again??? Even though they've been here six times. Ohhhh, I think it's because of Konkuro's navigating skills.

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