[ Unexpected Love ] Kalluto X Shirena

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(Anime: Hunter X Hunter)

-Shirena's pov-

My whole village was killed by one person. ONE! Her name is Kalluto Zoldyck (I know Kalluto is a guy and that he looks like a girl, so for now, you'll think of him as a girl, kay???). She slaughtered everyone I ever loved expect me. Why am I the only survivor of my village? Is it because I have potential? Is that why she left me alive? Well then...I'll give her what she wants. I will find her and kill her...

-Major time skip-

"This here, is our new member." Chrollo said with hardly any emotions.

"I'm Kalluto Zoldyck..." I was dumbfounded.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I yelled in total shock and she ignored me completely. Everyone stared at me like I've gone crazy or something (except Kalluto).

"What's the matter, Shirena?" Chrollo asked and I sighed to calm down.

"She was the one who killed everyone in my village..." Everyone except her, laughed and I was so lost, though I was pissed.

"Why are you guys all laughing?! It's not funny!" I yelled at them.

"You stupid..." I heard the shorty, emo guy. How dare he called me stupid! What an ass-

"I'm a guy..." Kalluto revealed his true gender.

"What?! If you were a freaking guy, how come you're wearing a kimono?!" I pointed at 'his' kimono.

"What? I'm not allowed to wear kimono or something? Is this some crime I've committed?" I was stunned by his words and I couldn't think of anything to fight back. I sighed and lowered my finger.

"I guess you have a point..." I muttered. So all of this time, I thought he was a she and now that I think of it, he looks pretty cu-WAIT WHAT?! I immediately threw my thought out of the window. Where the hell did that idea come from?!

"Shirena, pay attention." The leader's voice dragged me back onto earth.

"Huh? What? What happened??" I blinked once or twice. The leader sighed.

"You're not allowed to leave after this." My jaws dropped.

"What? But-"

"Until I've finished explaining the second time." I wanted to reply again but closed my mouth.

"Yes, Chrollo..." I mumbled softly, though it was loud enough for him to hear. Some douche bags chuckled at me (Feitan, Phinks and some others). I growled at them along with a death glare. I sensed a pair of eyes on me and curiosity got the best of me. I looked around to see Kalluto staring at me but he quickly looked away. It's the same look that he gave me when we first meet...What does that mean?

-Time passed-

"WHUT?!!! I'M NOT GOING TO PATNER UP WITH HIM!" I objected Chrollo's request. Actually, more like command.

"You must get along with him so that the group doesn't fall apart." I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest. "Is that clear?" He asked calmly and I grunted a, 'fine.'

-Time passed-

After all of the unnecessary chitty-chatter-nonsense, I quietly stormed outside. When I was far away from the basement, I raged at a tree and knocked it down with one punch, which knocked down several others as well (Heyyyy, it's one punch woman X3). "AARRGGG! THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!" I yelled at no one in particular. I sighed and sat down with my arms crossed. "This is so not my day..." I muttered.

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