[ Haunted House ] Feitan X Liliana [Part 2]

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-Liliana's pov-

A beautiful piano played but soon it turned into a creepy tune. I heard footsteps behind us. I completely froze. When the footsteps came really close, I dashed down the hallway, dragging Feitan along with me. "AHHHHH!!!" I screamed my lungs out along the way. I came across two paths, one on the left and one on the right. The left path was dark and had that spooky aura, while the right side was bright and had that peaceful aura.

Which way should I go? The right obviously. I ran towards the light...But...Smacked into a clear barrier that separated me and the door/exit (though I think it is the exit). "WHAT THE F***???!!!" I yelled be one anger. Since I ran so fast, my face should be currently red...

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Feitan laughed his a** out at the event and at my red face.

"SH*T UP FEI! THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" I scolded at him.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA IT AHAHAHAHA FUNNY AHAHAHA! YOU AHAHA FACE!" He laughed in between his broken grammar. I grew thick, visible veins. Then I remembered the creepy thing before and pulled the laughing maniac and ran for the other door. I opened it, revealing a medium room with a piano on my right side; and a door in front of me. The piano was on the stage and a spot light that was beaming at it.

I quickly closed the door behind me and locked it. The laughing maniac slowing stopped laughing. "Great, more horror...And more embarrassment..." I muttered the last time very softly.

"Then more entertainment for meh~" He smirked in delight.

"Sh*t up..." The piano played the spooky tone like before by itself, like it was alive. "It's playing by itself!" I gasped.

"It alive~" Is he scaring me even more??? If so, he's going a great job at it.

"Feitan! Stop scaring me!" I pouted.

"I no scare, it true~" He said with his smirk and I swallowed hard. The door that I locked was suddenly knocked down. The old, creepy lady was there...Oh sh*t! I ran to the other wooden door.

"Why are you running, dear~?" The old lady asked. She moved closer to us and I just opened the door and rushed inside along with Feitan. I shut the door and there were two locks, so I turned both of the locks to lock the door. I heard the lady trying to open it but it was no use. I sighed in relief. I turned around and there were five wooden doors. Three in front and one on both sides.

"Fantastic...More doors to open...So Fei, which one is the right door?" I asked him.

"Maybe it that one~" He pointed to the left. I studied his face and I don't trust him one bit. He might as well trick me with the wrong door.

"I don't trust you." I studied him closer.


"I don't need to explain." I soon decided to go for the middle door. I opened it and walked through. "This room is so bright..." When my eyes were used to the light, I realized it wasn't a room. IT WAS FREEDOM! "YESSS, I'M OUT OF THAT STUPID HAUNTED HOUSE!" I coughed a couple of time since I've been screaming so much. "Well now I don't need to feel scared anymore." I smiled to no one in particular.

"Boo." I jumped and hid behind a nearby tree. Then I heard a laugh coming out from Feitan. How did I know? Well his laugh is so easy to identify (referring to his laugh when he fought Zazan :3 Ps, I love his laugh, I mean who wouldn't?). 

"Feitan you son of a BW***H!!!" I chased him around the amusement park for a long time.

-Time passed-

I sat on a bench feeling so exhausted. "Fei..." I exhaled.

"Yeah?" He sat next to me, feeling slightly tired. He's seating so close in fact but I don't mind. I think...

"I need food..." I requested.

"You want chocolate ice-cream?" I nodded slightly. He went away for a while and soon returned with one chocolate ice-cream? (And I think you can tell how he got it~ XD) "Don't you want one?" I raised an eyebrow.

"We share..."

"Wait, what?" I was shocked on what he just said.

"We share." He raised his voice slightly.

"Oh...Okay..." That was all I can say.

-Time passed once again-

We were in the middle of licking our ice-cream and it was peaceful. "Liliana..." He broke the silence.

"Hm?" I continued eating my ice-cream. He suddenly leans in closer to my right ear. I blushed and my heart skipped a beat.

"You my girlfriend?" He whispered. It took me a while to process everything. When I've completed that, I was overjoyed because I've developed feelings towards him, but never got the guts to tell him.

"Yes...YES I would love to~!" I hugged him really tightly. Well not really actually.

"Hey, the ice-cream close to mah hair." He tried to avoid the ice-cream from coming in contact with his hair.

"Oops, sorry Fei." I apologized.

"It okay." He pecked my lips. I blushed in response and gave him a small smile.

"We finish ice-cream and go home? Then tell everyone you mine?"

"Yeah o-wait, what?! Why tell everyone about us???" I asked, feeling rather shocked.

"Cuz you mine and only mine." He removed the small, tiny gap between us. I blushed a deep red.

"O-O-Oh k-kay..." I became really nervous.

"No need to be nervous." He somehow calmed me down.

"Alright, we'll do that." I smiled and he pecked my lips.


I HOPE YA GUYS LIKE IT AND SORRY IF IT WASN'T ROMANTIC ENOUGH! I mean seriously, you two just got together but still. Btw, can you guys PLEASE give me some ideas for Phinks X Solcea (message me privately please, cuz I want it to be a surprise for my little sis, Solcea and btw, we ain't really sisters). Thanks for reading and c yaaaaa~!

If you like to request a male character, please go to the book description (you know, where you write a blurb) 

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