[ The Party ] Spectra Phantom X Sapphire {HIGHSCHOOLER WITH BAKUGAN} [Part 1]

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(Anime: Bakugan)

-Sapphire's pov (Age: 19)-

"Hey, little sis, tell me how you and your boyfriend met~" My big sister sang through face camera over on skype. I madly blushed.

"W-Where did this topic come from??" I stuttered ever so slightly.

"I don't know; I was just curious since you never talk to me about your love life. As your big sister, I have the right to know."

"More like you demanded it..." I muttered while looking to the right.

"Sorry, what was that?" Her scary side are starting to show.

"N-Nothing!" I quickly spoke in panic.

"Well, good and by the way, I haven't seen your talking bakugan in a while now." She looked around as if she was here with me. "What was his name again?"

"His name is Alpha Darkness Hydranoid and as for where he is...I also have no clue!" I could tell she was mentally face palming.

"Good job on taking care of your bakugan."

"Oh, thank you!"

"That wasn't a compliment, it was a sarcasm."

"Oh...It was?" She did an actual face palm.

"Anyway, tell me your love life while I'm still alive..." I softly giggled to her joke.


-5 years ago (Age: 14)-

"Sapphire, I don't think you should go to that party..." My talking bakugan was being ridiculous, telling me what I should do.

"Why would I do that, Alpha Darkness Hydranoid?? I mean, he's my boyfriend after all, so of course I'm going." I explained to him.

"Was saying my full name necessary?" I looked up from my book and stared at him, who was sitting on my study desk.

"Umm...No? But back onto the point, he's my boyfriend...ON TOP OF THAT, it's his birthday party." He sighed in defeat.

"Fine, but I've warned you." I nodded and continued my reading. You see, according to Hydranoid, he's not a good boyfriend or person. He's a playboy but I still love him...Well, at least I convinced myself that I do.

"You're worried about me, right?" I quietly asked.

"Yes, of course I do..." He replied in a same tone as I did. "I'm worried that'll get hurt, again. You do realize he's been cheating you, right-"

"No...!" I lightly squeezed my book. "H-He's not like that...He said he was just making some friends..." I tighten my grip onto the book that I was holding.

"I think he has made a lot of girl space friend, already." I didn't reply because I knew he was right but, still...Because I didn't reply, there was a silent between us. He let out another sigh. "Nevermind, do whatever you like, I'm going to sleep. So, night." He angrily went into his ball form.

"Night..." I quietly, like a mouse, replied. I checked my phone which was beside me. It's already 9:00 PM! I should head to sleep...Though...Maybe I should read a bit more.

-Time passed-

I started to feel tired after I completed reading the whole book. I had a feeling I stayed up way too late but I checked my phone anyway. It's 12 AM??!! After seeing that, I quickly and quietly got ready to bed.

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