[ Arranged Marriage ] Kurapika X Samantha (CastMeAPetronosSpell)

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(Anime: Hunter X Hunter)

-Samantha's pov-

-Age of 7-

I was born in a wealthy, powerful family but I don't consider that as luck because I have no 'real' friends. You could say that they have been bride to be my friends by money or by force. Also, I basically have no freedom and it's boring to order people around. Though, I do get to go out but I'm was always being protected by my bodyguards. Being protected was boring if you ask me. I mean seriously, I can't even have fun!

But one day, I was able to escape the stupid bodyguard's vision and ran to the park. When I arrived at the park (which I always go here), I say many children but two of them were new. A blond-haired boy and a brown-haired boy. I never saw them before and I wonder who they are. I got curious and decided to approach them. They noticed that I was coming so they looked at me. I stared at the blonde and he stared back.

Suddenly, I felt an unknown feeling. What is this feeling? Since it was unfamiliar, I shrugged it off. To break the awkward silent, I greeted them. "Hey, I'm Samantha, what about you two?" I asked them.

"Hello, I'm Kurapika and this here is Pairo." The blond-haired boy smiled.

"Hi." The brown-haired boy greeted with a smile. I returned the smile.

"What to be friends?" I asked them while turning my head to one side a little. I hope they'll become my 'real' friends.

"Sure, wanna head for the swings?" Kurapika pointed at the two empty swings and I nodded in excitement. We quickly head to the swings. I went on one and Pairo went on the other.

"Oh, umm, Kurapika, do you want to go on the swing first?" I asked and he shook his head.

"It's okay, you can go first and I'll go next." He flashed me the warmest smile I ever seen. I finally had friends that treats me like one. I was so happy and ever since that day, we would come back and play all diffident kind of games. It was a lot of fun and eventually I told him my problems and he said that one day, he'll come and save me from that. I believed in what he said. Not only that, the unknown feeling which I found out called love, grew stronger each time we meet.

I couldn't wait to see him for the 20th or so time, but...He didn't show up at the park and I wasn't sure why. Since then, I haven't stopped believing in him and ever since Kurapika and Pairo stopped coming to the park, everything basically went back to the way it used to. Until I turned 18 and had my birthday, Kurapika came back.

-Age of 18-

-At Samantha's 18th bday party-

This party wasn't a normal birthday party like what normal people would have. This was more like a masquerade ball than a birthday party if you ask me. Since the party room was so noisy, I decided to walk to the balcony to get some peace and quiet. My hair danced in the cool wind and I love it. Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming towards me so I turned around.

It was a blond-haired boy but he was wearing a mask that covers his eyes and nose AND, I wasn't wearing any. I couldn't see his face because of it but...Something about him feels familiar... "It's good to see you again." He said and smiled as if we knew each other. Why is his voice so familiar? Have we met before??? I tried to think deep to see if I could remember where I heard his voice. But soon, I gave up.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked him and he chuckled which made me raised an eyebrow.

"Have you forgotten me? Well, I really don't blame for not remembering me, it has been 11 years after all." What? 11 years?

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