[ Ignored ] Neji X Reader

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(Anime: Naruto)

-Your pov-

Neji and I had a fight and it turned out pretty bad. Almost to the point where I wanted to break up with him. Yes, we are indeed together, like girlfriend and boyfriend. But if this stupid argument keeps going, this relationship isn't going to last. If you're wonder what happened. I'll tell you. In short, he went out with a b*tch! No, not Tenten. It's (name)! Who is a total a**hole! ARGGG! It really ticks me off! "Y/N, dear, have you eaten yet?" My mother asked on the other side of my door.

"No..." I replied. "And I'm not hungry..." I added.

"Then I'll put your dinner in the fridge and when you're hungry, you can go microwave it." My mother sadly said but tried to put a happy vibe to this gloomy atmosphere.

"Thanks, mum..." With that, I heard footsteps fading. Right after that, I felt my phone vibrate. I prayed that it wasn't him. I made an effort to grab my phone from my small, black table. When I had my pillow against the bed thingy (don't know what they are called) and my back against my pillow, I pressed the home button and saw the notification and I wanted to throw my phone in rage. Why won't he just let me be???

I Lightly squeezed my phone and it turned off by itself. I put my phone aside and lied down with the blankets over me. More massages came through my phone so it vibrated a lot. I was getting irritated by the sound so I got out of bed and stomped down stairs. I got my dinner out from the fridge and microwaved it. After eating I decided to go to sleep early. Luckily, the messages stopped when I entered my room. Looks like he stopped, well good for him.

When my head made contact with my pillow, I fell asleep. Morning came and I had to go to school and wants bad was that he's in my every class! What a bothersome. When I was ready, I slowly got out of bed and got ready. While doing all of that, I checked my phone here and there. All of my messages were from him of course. Yep, this will be a long, tiring day.


I was plan, every time I saw Neji, I would ignore him and he might give up and leave me be.

-At the gates-

'Morning, Y/N' No morning for you.

-First and second period-

'Are you still mad?' That's a stupid question.

'Why are you ignoring me?' Gee, I wonder why.

'Please talk to me.' No.

'I'm sorry for causing you so much pain.' No you're not...

'Is there anything I can make it up for you?' Hell, no


'Sorry, Y/N...' ...

'Y/N.' ...

'Please.' ...

'Y/N, talk to me.' ...

'Y/N-' And finally, I snapped, I mean, who wouldn't?

"Oh, will you shut up?! It's getting really annoying! Why don't you talk to your other girl?? AND DON'T TALK TO ME AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled and stormed away. He didn't try to stop nor reply to me. Well, good.

For the rest of today, he stopped harassing me with words and I was happy. He stopped looking at me and I'm happy. When we meet at some point in the day, we would act like we're complete strangers. Though, I knew he really wanted to talk to me and...So was I. I knew deep down I was the opposite of happy. Even though I wanted to talk, I can't. Every time I want to, the imagines of that moment flashed in my brain and it hurt too much.

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