[ Love or Revenge? ] Shalnark X FeiFei17

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(Anime: Hunter X Hunter)

-FeiFei17 pov-

I stood outside of my hometown, watching houses bursting into bright, reddish flames. I heard the cries of my people. I was supposed to protect and here I am, feeling powerless. "I am so sorry I couldn't save you all..." I said in a sad, soft voice. I then cried and once I stopped crying, the one thing that was on my mind was vengeance. From there, I couldn't watch any longer, so I ran. I refused to look behind me. I repeated a line over and over again in my mind.

I will kill the Phantom Troupe no matter what.

Or so I thought so...

-A few years later-
"Ahhh, what a beautiful day this is. Oh, who am I kidding..." I would like to stretch my stiff arms and legs but I was a bit tied up. I sighed. "I wish I could break this nen-proof-chain but it's so freaking stubborn," I said to no one in particular. How the he** did I get myself into this??? Oh, that's right, I was tracking a blond boy to see where's the Phantom Troupe's basement but...Got ambushed and I didn't see it coming. I even had my lines ready, well kinda.

If I get the chance to say it, it would be, 'Hello there, I'm going to kill you so lights out' or something along those lines. The door opened, revealing a pink-haired girl and, "Well looks who's here, it's goldilocks." Next came the blond women but she ignored my joke. "So...Are you going to try read my memory, again? Why not try something new?"

"It would be a waste of time trying to torture you or read your mind." Lol, it's because they can't.

"I didn't realise there was a smart one in your group," I smirked. "But then again, none of you are that bright." She glared at me. The door swung open and the blonde that I was tracking, entered the room. No offence but he's kinda...Happy and cute...And I thought all of the members were bad looking. Guess not, huh?

"If we weren't so bright, then how did you get caught but us?" He said cheerfully. I opened my mouth then shut it and opened it again then shut it. After a few moment, I thought of something to say.

"Oh, sh*t it you." I spat out. He moved closer to me and grinned. "What the heck are you doing?" Instead of answering my question, he pulled away.

"I just realise something."

"And that is?"

"You're actually cute for a young girl." Is that a smirk that said something...Sexual or an innocent smile?

"Well, I hate it to break it to you but, this 'cute girl' will kick your a**." I slightly hissed. His laughter boomed the room while the ladies just raised an eyebrow. I, too, raised an eyebrow. When his laughter died out, the whole gang entered the room. "Um, so, why are all of you here? Is there a party or something?"

"We need to ask you some questions and you must answer them honestly." I sighed.

"For the last time, I don't know the chain user." 

"She lying." I grew veins.

"Oh, sh*t it shorty, how would you know that I'm lying?" The emo boy glared at me and I glared back (Glaring competition).

"Is that so~?" The creepy-clown-that-gives-me-shivers said.

"Yes, now go away, creepy clown. No one wants to see your ugly face." (Damn, that's hursh XD) He smiled creepily, looking unfazed by my speech. "Anyway, is there anything else you want to say? Cuz I'm itching to kill you all." I smiled. The emo and the pink-haired girl stared hard at me. The two blonde, the clown and the leader seemed amused. "What? Don't believe me? I'll show you if you want."

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