chapter 5: can we have mexican?

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Colton POV:

She is still snuggled up to me in my arms. Every now and then she. Cuddles closer to me, for warmth or comfort I do not know. I'm just glad she's close. My wolf is yipping in glee that I have found my mate, he already loves her.

I am almost at the pack house, when I feel her Clawing at me, Trying to get away in her sleep. I gently shake her and her eyes fly open I almost gasp at the bright blue eyes I find staring at me.

She looks over my features, as if trying to memorize them. I tighten my hold on her.
"You were having a nightmare my love." I inform her as to why I woke her up.

Her eyes fill with sadness and then smiles gatefully at me as if I had saved her from the worse thing in the world.
"I know I was i- i couldn't get away. No matter how hard I tried, he he was just too strong." She stutters.

"What did he do to you for all those long months?" Honestly, I was scared to know what all my mate had endured. My wolf in me growled at the thought of anyone harming her in anyway.

"It was horrible, he had this long whip, with metal spurs on the end. He would whip me across my back even when I fell crying, begging for mercy. It's the worse pain I've ever had. I would pass out from the pain." She whispered as if he could hear her.

I saw red, I held her tightly trying to quelch my anger. How dare a man subject such pain to my mate? I should have tortured him for such atrocities. I should have made him beg for the mercy he would never recieve. My wolf agrees. I don't notice exactly how hard I'm squeezing her until she gasps in pain. I release her instantly.
"I'm so sorry I didn't realize I was hurting you." I apologize quickly fearing I'd hurt her too badly.

"It's okay, I've had worse." She sniffles her eyes glimmering with unshed tears. She shouldn't even have to say that. I take her back into my arms.

"Are you okay?" I held my head down in shame, that I'd let my anger get the best of me and ended up hurting my beautiful mate.

"Yes, I am fine." She flashes a quick grin that melts my heart. I scoop her up bridal style despite her giggles of protest.
When I see the pack house come into view, I look over to my mate she is looking in amazement at the size of the house. I couldn't blame her really it was rather extravagant.

I quickly change directions. Most of the wolves that had fought In the fight with the pack of rogues were back.
"Why aren't we going to the pack house?" She asked sounding confused.

I flash her a grin and say "We are going to my house, I figured you wouldnt want to meet the pack yet, and you need to rest little one you've had a rough few months."

My house comes into view and I swiftly open the Door and close it still holding katalia. I walk up the steps and when we get to my room I look over to her
"Do you want your own room or do you want to stay with me?" I question, I don't. Want to push her to be with me I want her to want to be with me.

" I want to stay with you, so I can steal your heat." I chuckle and set her down on my bed and tuck her in the warm covers on my bed.

"What do you want to eat? You have got to be starving." I ask

"Can we have mexican?" She asks.

"Yes,we can. I'll go get the chef to make some, specially for you." I say with a grin as her whole face lights up in excitement.

"We have made out mate happy!" My wolf comments happily.

I turn around to tell her I'll be back in a moment, only to find that she is curled in a ball asleep on my bed.
I smile and shake my head and make my way downstairs to get mexican for my beautiful mate.

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