chapter 21: my weakness

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Katalia's POV

My eyes flutter open just as the morning sun is creeping it's way over the trees, I snuggle closer to the Solid form, radiating heat beside me that is colton. He groans and wraps his arms around me and presses a kiss to my forehead.
"Goodmorning darling, did you sleep good." He asks, his voice still husky from sleep.
"I slept good, how about you?" I question, i love seeing him while he is still half asleep, his eyes squinting lazily, almost with effort to keep them open, and his hair looks expertly tousled, and his voice husky, and low From sleep.

" I slept wonderfully, especially after the workout we had last night." He whispers as he buries his head in the crook or my neck, I can feel him smiling. Despite myself, I blush remembering the events from the night before, Him burying himself deep within me, looking in my eyes, as we made love until we couldn't no longer.

I lean to the side so that I am facing him, and Cuddle up to his hardened body.
"Your so beautiful katalia." He whispered, sounding awed. I look up to him, his hair is lighter brown, due to the suns rays penetrating through the tree branches. He is gorgeous. Men are supposed to be handsome, but handsome doesn't even begin to define colton, his defined jawbone, brown tousled waves, his icy blue eyes, which capture mine, with such intensity, the only way to describe him is gorgeous.

"Do you feel up to training with Dimitri today, my love?" He asks.

"Yes, I don't believe that I am as powerful as Sebastian claims, I need to know if what he is saying is true."
I admit, not really believing that I had hidden powers, even if I did how would I unlock them?
"Okay then, we need to go find him." He clarifies.
I get up, still bare from the night before, chill bumps appear on my skin, from the morning breeze.
Colton hands me a pair of clothes, how did these get here?
"I had them brought after you fell asleep." Colton said. Clearly, hearing my thoughts through our mate bond.

I tug on the clothes, which turn out to be sweatpants and a tank top, and turn to Colton to find him fully clothed, and waiting on me.

He takes my hand in his, and kisses the back of it.
"I love you katalia."
"I love you too colton."

When we reach the room where Dimitri is staying, Colton knocks on the door. It opens to reveal a disheveled dimitri.
"Can you train katalia today?" Colton asks dimitri.
"Yes, I'll be down in a minute." Dimitri replies curtly, as he shuts the door.
" Are you sure you want to do this, you don't have to." Colton says to me, concern shining in his eyes, no question that he is worrying about. My demon taking control.
"Yes, I have to, I need to learn how to control it. I need to know how to harness the demon inside me, so I can use this to my advantage. Don't worry colton, if I get out of control, just hold me, my demon seems to calm down when you confront it, almost as if I doesn't want to harm you." As I say this, I realize, nomatter what part of me it may be, my werewolf, my angel or my demon, they seem to all contain an affinity for Colton. He completes me, my chaotic chemical makeup seems to submit to him, when it is indomitable to all else. As this settles in deeper, I finally realize, Colton is the key, he is a weakness for me, yet all the strength I posess. Anyone can use him against me and easily have me playing into their plans. Then again, if anyone try to harm or use colton, they will play into my hands. I would savor the life I drain out of them, as their souls beg for mercy, their bodys deteriorating from my wrath, and their minds, completely incapable of understanding what exactly I am doing to them until they are too late to stop the inevitable.
"Hey, katalia baby why are your eyes black?" Colton questions confusedly.
I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him to me. I turn my face to meet his "You know you are my everything right and Noone can take you away from me." I whisper, feeling a possessive match spark deep Within me, Thinking of the things that could possibly happen in the future.
"Of course, I know that darling that's exactly how I feel." Colton admits, as he Buries his face in the crook of my neck.

I hear the click of the door opening, as it reveals an embarrassed Dimitri, looking everywhere but where me and colton are.
He finally catches my eye and clears his throat, "So, are yall ready to train or do you need a room?"

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