chapter 14: am i really that powerful?

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Katalias picture above
Katalia's POV

"The reason you dreamt of eachother is because of your powers. Your subconscious pushed your power around you like a field of energy, which was so strong it invaded your mates subconscious also. This is why you could talk freely in the dream, see eachother, and Colton this is how you were able to find katalia so easy, the rogues that took her were strong, but not as strong as your bond. Whether katalia knows it or not she gave you power through your bond, to kill as many rogues as you did single handedly."
I stare in awe as Nathaniel speaks this. Am I really that powerful? When I was in that cell I was weak, battered, and broken, to find out that I have the capability to give someone else my strength makes me wonder what other abilities I posess. I am thankful that I did have that the ability to help my mate, even if I did it Unknowingly.
I reach up and touch my mark, I showed it to Nathaniel, who proclaims that the unusual mark was also a result of what I am.
"You don't have to train your wolf, I see that you are clearly in touch with that side, but we need to move onto controlling the demon in you, when you get angry your eyes turn obsidian black, you were showing restraint when fighting, but how much longer can that restraint last? We need to teach you to control the demon side of you to make sure you can push that side of you down some, only to release it when you need it most. We will train you to manipulate it, control it and use it efficiently. To do this, I have brought in a friend, Dimitri who is the product of a human and a demon reproducing. He will not be as strong as you, but he can teach you how to use the demon in you to your advantage." Nathaniel finally finishes.
I'll admit when I was fighting Natalie and Luka, I wanted to tear them apart limb from limb. I'm not usually a violent person, but in that moment I wanted to show them how inferior they were to me, I wanted to let the demon loose to rampage on whomever it will. I couldnt, I couldn't stand to see myself snap Lukas neck, I finally began to restrain myself from killing him.
Natalie deserved what she got, the demon wanted to kill her slowly, but I needed to set an example. Noone can mess with my mate. I seem to have gotten my point across too, the unmade females in my pack will hardly look at colton, much to my pleasure.
I am pulled from my thoughts by Colton wrapping his arms around me. One look in his eyes is all it takes.
He looks at me with his icy blue eyes, staring intensely into my own, I can do this, I can learn to control my demon as long as Colton is beside me the whole way.

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