chapter 15: visions

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Picture above is dimitri
Coltons POV
I watch her lithe body swaying. Her body moves to the attacks as though it were a dance twirling and ducking this way and that, blocking all of Dimitri's advances. It angers me, him being so close to my mate, but I know it has to be done. God so help him if he hurts my mate though, I will strike him down without a second thought.

Her body dances it's way out of another attack, and meets him head on, throwing a bone snapping punch to the face, he Stumbles backwards. She advances on him like a predator stalking it's prey. She turn quickly and catches my eye, hers are solid black, void of the compassion they usually hold. Still holding my gaze, she must've noticed Dimitri comming in to attack again, she elbows him hard in the face, I hear yet another snap as he crumples to the ground.

She runs over to me, black eyes gleaming in the sun, and I hold her closely, hoping to calm the beast that rages within her. I hold her until I notice she is dead weight, I scream for Nathaniel as I lay my beautiful mate to the ground. Her eyes are closed, but fluttering slightly. I caress my hand over her face, she's burning hot. I scream my voice raw for Nathaniel, only to see him running toward us bag in hand. Dimitri too runs over stumbling slightly due to katalia's attack.
Will she be okay? I Hold her hand as they assess her.
"Colton you need to move, so we can get to katalia." Nathaniel speaks softly.
"NO! She is mine, help her but don't you dare take her from me." He growl loudly.
Nathaniel and Dimitri look at eachother, and seem to come to a silent agreement. I feel a pick in my neck, as my body goes numb and falls right next to my beautiful mate.
Blackness over takes my vision, as I grip my beautiful mates hand.

I am thrown into a dream, I see katalia, her lithe body no longer doing the dance of battle, but instead lashing out at a man, cloaked in darkness. She attacks violently, lashing out at the man in front of her.
He stands still as stone, not hitting her back. I move over closely, careful to not scare katalia.
"Kat." I whisper gently and her. Her black eyes turn to me slowly and she grins, maniacally. Her sharpened teeth dripping with blood.
What is going on?
I watch as she extends her hand towards the cloaked man. Light shoots out of her hand and hit the man square in the chest, he falls backwards and looks down, shocked at his sizzling skin. He looks at her calmly, it is true though daughter, I am alive and I am comming for you.
And I am comming soon as he gasps and takes his last breath. I turn to katalia stunned, had she just killed her father?
He is comming for her, not in a dream, but in reality. He is not dead, he is just getting started.

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