chapter 12: next time I won't leave you breathing

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Picture above is Natalie

Nathaniel POV
How do I tell them? I can't come straight out and tell my alpha that his mate has the power to destroy or save the world. What if he takes it wrong?

I mind link alpha warren "Alpha, I think I have found out what is wrong with katalia, can the both of you meet me in my office in 10 minutes?"
My door opens to reveal my concerned Alpha.
I hope this goes well.

Colton POV
"What are you telling me that my mate is a Hybrid in 3 ways!?" I yell, my voice getting louder. How can this even be possible!? My beautiful mate has the blood of an angel, the anger of a demon, and the form of a wolf.
My mate has Angel and demon blood coarsing through her veins.
Realization punches me in the face.
This explains why her skin was glowing, and why she healed at an unbelievable rate. That is all because her angel blood. That leaves me with her being able to knock me on my ass with one hit, as a result of her demon side. She is unearthly strong.
I look over to see her staring blankly at the wall, Her hands clasped tightly in her lap. I walk over to her and pull her in a hug. No matter what may happen as a result of knowing what she is, I will still love her.
"It'll be okay my love." I whisper reassurance and hold her tighter.
"We will need to train her to use her abilities, or they will be unpredictable, she could loose control." Nathaniel informs grimly.
I look over toward the doctor.
"How do we train her? Noone in our pack has any knowledge of this, it's never happened before." I question him, fearing for my mate. What happens if she looses control?
Seeming to hear my unspoken question, katalia squirms in my arms and strains to look at nathaniel.
"W-what happens if I loose control?" She says as soft as a whisper, her voice breaking slightly.
" You could destroy the world. You are so powerful. You have three of the most powerful races running through your body. You could kill us all." He says, looking seemingly indifferent.
"When can we start the training?" Katalia questions, with a determined look upon her face, as if she is ready to save the world, in this case, she is.
"Now." I speak up finally, comming to reality.
"Alpha, we need to train her werewolf side first. I suggest you get your best female fighter up against your mate. If she looses, we will train her in fighting if she wins, we put her up against your best male fighter. If she wins, we work on her worst points the move on to training the demon in her." He says.
I growl at the thought of anyone harming my mate, the growl gets louder as I think of my best warrior, Luka, touching my mate. The growl cuts off as I am pulled to katalia's chest.
"It'll be okay, I will be fine." She whispers soothingly.
How can she be so strong? She just found out she has the ability to end or save the world, yet here she sits like nothing is different.
I admire her even more for her strength and determination.
"Okay let's get started." I say, fearing what is to come for my beautiful mate.

Katalia's POV
*Warning violence*
I quickly change into some tight, black spandex, and a blue sports bra with some black tennis shoes. I'm nervous, what if I can't control myself? What if I end the world? These thoughts plague my mind. I am pulled out of my trance of worries, by Colton grabbing my hand and leading me toward the training fields.
"Natalie, I need you to come here." Colton orders.
I look at this girl. She has flawless pale skin with long chocolate brown hair. She is walking over towards us.
This is his best fighter? I laugh internally.
"I need you to fight my mate." Colton tells her.
She looks me up and down, and her gaze stops on my eyes.
"This is your mate? Colton you could do way better." I growl, seeing red and lunge at her. She looks suprized, she falls beneath me. I am straddling her and throwing punches at her face, before she even realizes what is happening. She tries blocking my rein of fury to no avail. I barely register the cracking of bones, and blood pouring out of her face, as I keep punching. By this time she is squirming beneath me, Trying to buck me off. She finally manages to hit me once. Blood pours out of my nose, she shouldn't have down that.
I get off of her and Stand up, motioning for her to do the same. Slowly, she pulls herself to her feet and grins viciously, blood staining her teeth, where I busted her lip. She tries to throw a puch, which I effortlessly duck and return the favor. Hitting her right in the nose, she screams, and falls clutching her nose. I walk over to her crumpled body.
"Don't you ever touch or speak to my mate again, next time I won't leave you breathing." I warn, hate coating each word.
The crowd that has gathered around starts cheering for their luna. I make my way over to Colton, to see he is being restrained by several man.
Staring at me wide eyed.
"What you didn't know I could fight?" I question.
Colton looks up at me and gasps.
"Katalia, your eyes are pure black." He informs me.
I shrug, and wrap my arms around him, feeling my anger dissapate.
I look up at him and kiss his lips slowly, by now the men that were holding Colton had released him and we're looking in any direction but us.
When I pull back he hugs me tighter.
"Your eyes are back to normal love." He says, sounding suprized.
"What can I say, you calm me." I reply. Before turning away to see men carrying Natalie away, with Nathaniel shouting orders at them.
Slowly I turn to Colton.
"So, who's next?" I question looking at him, he looks at me stunned.

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