the truth.

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Colton POV
"WHERE IS SHE!?" I roared, my beautiful katalia had dissappeared. My heart feels as if it were torn from my chest, broken and shattered.
The servants look at me in disbelief, I may be known as the merciless alpha, but I didn't show it to my servants. Today, they are seeing a new side to me, a side which ultimately terrified them.
Where could she have gone? This has to be her father. It just has to be, I couldn't reach katalia through my dreams, I had already tried, but there was some mental barrier preventing me from reaching my love.
"Nathaniel, search the prophecy for anything that might lead to more information on katalia."
"Ethan, try to contact katalia's brother sebastian, he might know more of his father's plans than what he's telling us."
"Luka, organize a group of our best fighters, we need to search as much ground as we can cover."

My voice strong and confident as I order them, when inside I'm a mess, all I want is katalia back, unharmed.
Everyone scatters, going to do their jobs, leaving me alone to ponder over what happened, how did I not notice my beautiful mate ripped from my arms? I will find her, if it takes years, months, weeks, or days, I will find her.

Katalia's POV
I wake in the arms of this man, he claims to have known me, before I was disquised as a werewolf and sent to a pack. My mind wonders to colton, will he be better without me?
"Where are we going?" I quietly ask him. Will I ever see Colton again? Being in this man's arms feels right, but what about my mate? Is it possible I have two?
"We are going to your father's palace, he can provide you the answers you seek." His voice soft, as if not to scare me.
"How much longer untill we get there?" My mind craving the answers to all of my questions.

"not too much longer, we will be there soon, then you will know the truth." I shudder at his words, the truth? What does he mean?

Will I find out the truth of why my family kept me hid? How I have two mates, or why out of all of the people do i have the power to end or save the world?

What is my purpose, I weild such a powerful gift, a forbidden bloodline, what am I supposed to do with it?

"We are here katalia." That deep voice whispers in my ear.

I look around, a dark palace looming in front of me. Is this really where my father lives? The palace is made of grey stone and is accentuated with rubies, with tall windows and surrounding the palace are black rose bushes, creeping up the walls.
The angel sets me on the ground, but keeps his arms looped around me.
He ushers me towards the door, so this is it I will finally meet the man who is my father.

The door slowly opens to reveal a man with warm brown hair and hazel eyes, and a warm smile. The man reaches out his hand to me which I cautiously shake.

Who is this?

"Katalia, you have grown up so beautifully. Your father will be so happy to see you." He greets warmly.

He ushers us down the winding hallways as I take in the dark walls and black furniture.
We finally reach a black ornate door, encrusted with shining red rubies.
The angel opens the door, and leads me inside.

"Ah, reinier, you have finally brought me my daughter."

"Yes, thomas, she came to find the answers she seeks." Reiner replied.

Only now do i look up to see a young man with midnight black hair and emerald green eyes, looking at me.

"Katalia, I'm sure you have many questions, so let me answer them."
My father said.

"Around 20 years ago, I met your mother, a sweet, kind caring soul. She has a laugh of the rain and and the touch of fire. She was mesmerizing, I didn't care that she was an angel and I a demon, it was a forbidden love that we delved into, deeper untill there was no way out. She soon told me that she was with child, we panicked, Noone could know or you would've been killed on spot or experimented on, so when you were born. We kept you hidden here, untill you started asking questions of why you weren't allowed to go out and play, or meet new people. We had to erase your mind, we disquised you as a werewolf, and sent you to live with a pack, claiming you were an orphan we had found wandering our territory. You grew up into a beautiful young woman. We've had Reiner watching you, to keep you safe, and one day return you to us, when you found out what you were. Katalia you are extremely powerful, we cannot let someone get a hold of you who knew how powerful you were, they could destroy the world through you! What we did was in all of our best interests." He explains.

"Why do i have two mates?" Was the first thing that came out of my mouth, almost unconsciously.

"darling, you only have one mate and that is Reinier. When we disquised you as a werewolf, we had to give you a mate or it wouldn't be believable, so I hand picked the merciless alpha to be your "mate". When you really belong to Reinier."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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