chapter 22: She is the catalyst.

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Omniscient POV

She moves gracefully dancing around the half demon. A smile on her face, brightening her already stunning features. Her eyes gleaming dark blue, on the edge of turning an onyx black. Her Long blonde hair. Streaming down her back, wind whipping it around wildly. Her mate Standing back, watching her as if she were the most precious contribution to the world. Little do they know, she is. She is the foundation, the catalyst, the savior, and now maybe even the destroyer, the possessor of chaos, shaking the oblivious world around us to its very core. She has a choice ahead of her. A hard choice, that has been bestowed upon her. Why should one soul be burdened to carry such a heavy task, Determining the fate of the world? She will have to choose, to do good, like her mother, touch many hearts and souls along her life's route. To fill so many desolate hearts with hope, love and compassion. Or she can choose evil, like her father. To becomes heartless and cruel, inflicting pain on the innocent, to take away hope from those whom cling to it so desperately. She can cause torrents of crimson to rain upon the world, the blood of the fallen, innocent, and the lost.

Her father is searching her, and will not stop until he has her. He wants his lost daughter back, but even more he desires the power she weilds. Her mother, with her father does not consent, while she wants so desperately to have her daughter, she will bend the fabric of reality to keep her daughter from her father's hands. Each time, he progresses in getting to her, her mother is ten steps ahead warding him away from their daughter. Her mother is the contrast of ruthless and compassionate, loving but steel hearted, she is beautiful.
Her father is the perfect combination of darkness and erethral beauty. Together, they clash, they compliment, but most of all, they created the catalyst. The only one who can save the world. The only one who can destroy the world. Her will is bent, her emotions control, her anger unleashes the demon on a chaotic rampage of suffering and darkness. Her love will free the captives to the dark, and flood them with only the purest, rawest of emotions.

She will have to choose, she will have to choose soon, before it is too late.

Katalia's POV

"I don't understand how this is going to help." I comment, although I know Dimitri and Colton don't care, training is training, no matter how awkward it may be.
"Just do it katalia." Dimitri sighs, frustrated with my constant stalling.
"Fine." I huff out, a little more harsher than needed. I set forth to doing just as Dimitri had instructed.

Clear my mind....

Putting up my hands in front of me.

Focused on the bright red apple, laying in Dimitri's hand.

Think, picture it moving levitating in the air.

I feel power weilds up inside me. Warm and tingly, as it creeps down my arms.
I feel arms around my waist, there no time for that! Focus on the apple. I mentally scold myself. I focus on the apple, and seeing it shake slightly before it's forcefully lifted into the air, and quickly smashes into a nearby tree. I did it!!! I moved the apple with my mind!

"Well done katalia." Dimitri says with an amused look on his face.

Maybe, just maybe, I had all of the powers that Sebastian told me of, I just never knew, so I didn't even try to unlock them.

I feel Coltons arms wrap around me.
"Your so beautiful katalia." He whispers deeply in my ear, causing me to shiver. I turn in his grasp to face him.
"I actually did it!" I screamed as my excitement finally is unleashed.
"I know you did darling. Your glowing golden again, your skin looks like there is liquid glitter flowing through your veins." He sounded awed, I look down to see sure enough, I am glowing.

"that's her angel part showing through her, she's doing well in training, but we need to work harder, we need to push her to her limits, we need to find what sets off each part of her to see which power come with what and if they are triggered by strong emotions or by katalia herself, and she just doesn't know she's triggering it." I hear Nathaniel rough voice ring out, looking over his shoulder I see Nathaniel walking over to us.
"so your saying all of her conscious thoughts command her powers or her emotions determine the outcome of what happens?" Colton questions him. I'm not really interested in finding out what actually causes by outbursts of power, I'm just excited I'm making progress, I moved and inanimate object with my mind!

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. We need to find out whether it is one or the other or even both." Nathaniel answers matter of factly.

I just snuggle deeper into Coltons chest, taking in his earthy smell.

Omniscient POV

Oh yes, she has a long way to come yet, but very little time. She is making progress, but in the end, will her meager progress make a difference?
Or will it end up being her ultimate end, along with the world?


Hey readers, it's me
I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. My mind is everywhere while being nowhere all at once. I'm discouraged over this book honestly, so this may not be the best chapter, hope you liked it.
I'll try to update regularly.

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