chapter 19 sebastians apperence

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Picture above is sebastian
Katalia's POV

I see a man, not much older walking towards me in the vision. He has blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
"Don't worry, Noone can harm you while you are in this vision, I've put a protective ward over you while I was pulling you into this vision." He says, as if trying to comfort me.
"W-who are you?" I Question him.
" My name is Sebastian, and you are katalia of course." He answers matter of factly.
"How do you know my name?"
" how would I not know my own sisters name?" He asks curiously.
I gasp, I see the resemblance between us now, how could I not notice before? I have a brother! Is he like my father? Is he nice or evil?
"You know father is comming for you soon, he is comming after all of us, but he wants you in particular."
"Why? I am not special I'm just, me. Do you know anything of our family? Has he come after you too?" It all comes out of my mouth before I can stop it.
"Yes, I have been avoiding him for 3 years now. He wants you, you are the most powerful." He answers me.

"How did you know how to contact me? I never knew I had a brother, or a family to be exact." How could all of this be happening just 3 days ago I figured out I have a father and now I have a brother, both of whom were never in my life.

"I know that this is hard, but father kept me with him for the first few years of my life, I showed no powers, so I wasn't in danger unlike you, who showed powers from birth. You would dissappear in the blink of an eye, and reappear in other places, you read minds, you could also levitate, move things with your mind, and even had the power of persuasion. Father and mother had to disguise you and hide you for your saftey. They loved you very much and it hurt them to do so, but it was best for you." He told me.

My parents actually wanted me? They loved me so much they gave me up just so I wouldn't be in danger. In danger of whom?
"How was i in danger." I ask him, not really wanting to know.
" You developed your powers very quickly, too quickly. Any power hungry person could use you to take over the world. Our family is very strong. I ran from my parents, because I wanted to tell you the truth first, about why they gave you up. They wanted to kidnap you and then tell you a facade of you being their adopted daughter that was kidnapped at the age of 3 by werewolves, they wanted you to stay with them, and not where you truely belong. You belong here with your mate, and they wanted you to return to them forever, leaving this life behind."

I could never leave colton. I just found my mate, I never thought I would ever find him, I refuse to let him go.
"They were being selfish, wanting their long hidden daughter. They want you safe, there are those out there who if knew what you were and how powerful you are, they would torture you, and use you, until you bade their commands. Which would most likely destroy the world." He clears up quickly

"So who are our parents sebastian?"
I question, he looks me straight in the eyes.
" Our mother is God's most favored angel, and our father is the king of hell." He whispers as my vision slowly comes back to reality.

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