Chapter 1- Getting the Job

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I had posted an ad online saying that I was looking for a job, along with my email. I desperately needed one. I had lost my last one due to my... incident. I had begged them to let me stay, but they wouldn't let me. So ever since, I've been looking for a job, but I hadn't found one. Until today. I had gotten an email that said someone was looking for a servant, and that I could have the job if I wanted. Well, I don't really want to be a servant, but it's the only job opening I have found. So, I decided to take it. I emailed them back saying I would take it. I was so happy I had finally gotten a job. I got an email back a little while later saying :

"I'm so glad you have taken me up on the offer. I actually wasn't expecting you to take it, but I guess desperate times call for desperate measures. Then again, that is why I have asked you to be my servant. I wouldn't normally, but recently, I've needed help around the house, but hadn't found someone who would be good for the job. Which is why when I saw your ad saying you needed a job, I felt like I needed you and only you for the job. Anyway, I will email you the directions to my house and your schedule later. Have a lovely day and can't wait to see you tomorrow" ~MF

"P.S. DO NOT tell anyone else about this. This is a private job."

MF? Why didn't they just put their name? Also, why is it a private job? I guess they don't want people knowing their name until they actually get to the house or anyone else knowing where they live. I guess that's understandable. I went online and took my ad down about needing a job so I wouldn't get any more emails. After I did that, I did what I normally do on my pastime: I watched YouTube. My two favorites were Jacksepticeye and Markiplier. They are my daily routine. I've been watching them everyday for three years now. Unfortunately, I still haven't gotten to meet them. I hope to one day though. Markiplier is the one I want to meet the most though. Why? Come on, how is that not obvious? He's sweet, charming, and an all around kind guy. I know Jack is too, which is why I want to meet him also, but there is just something about Mark that makes him stand out. I just can't put my finger on it...

Anyway, I got on YouTube and started to watch Mark. It was a video of Who's Your Daddy with Jacksepticeye. They are my OTP by far! I ship them so hard. I've seen so much fanart of them together, and let me just say, it's amazing! I mean some of the stuff I've seen is pretty...detailed. That doesn't make it any less amazing though. I'll honestly admit, I may or may not have fantasized myself replacing Jack in some of the photos... and sometimes vice versa...

After I finished all the new videos for today, it was pretty late. I checked my email for a the directions and my schedule, wrote it down, set my alarm, then got ready for bed. I don't know why, but I was nervous for tomorrow. I'm happy that I have the job, but for some reason, I'm scared to go. It's probably just the word 'servant' that's making me uncomfortable. I'll be fine. As I drift off to sleep, I think about who I'll be working for and what I just got myself into.

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