Chapter 7- Different Side

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"You're not going anywhere (y/n). You wanted to know what's in this room right?"

I was terrified. I did, yes, but now, I'm not sure I actually did anymore.

"Well, I did sir, but..."

He swung the door open and I fell to the ground. I looked up at him and I could tell he was extremely angry.

"I've already been having a bad day. Do NOT talk back to me!"

He started to walk towards me, but I backed up. I was scared and I didn't want him near me.

"I-I'm sorry sir."

I had backed up into something and couldn't move anymore. Mark was still walking towards me, and I knew I was in trouble. I curled up into a ball, scared as to what was going to happen. Mark was inches away from me and looking down, fire in his eyes. I looked around the room and saw so many different 'toys'. I look up at him and he must've noticed I was looking around because he was smirking. He leans over and whispers in my ear.

"This is my punishment dungeon. If you've been bad, I bring you here to be punished. Do you understand (y/n)?"

"Y-yes s-sir, I understand."

He leans away from me and I slowly stand up. I saw him staring at my legs and lower region. I looked down to see that my already short skirt was riled up. Must've happened when I fell. I went to fix my skirt when I felt strong arms hold me back. I look up and it was Mark.

"Here, let me help you."

He grabbed my skirt and fixed it, but as he did, one of his fingers rubbed against me. I let out a silent gasp, hoping he wouldn't notice. When he finished, I walked past him to go home. I didn't want to stick around here any longer.

As I walked past him, I felt him staring at me, then he started to follow me. I was slightly worried that he'd pull me back into that room, but he didn't. He just followed me all the way to the front door. I opened the door when I heard him speak.

"I'll see you tomorrow (y/n). And by the way..."

I felt him right behind me. He grabbed my skirt from behind, pulling it.

"It wasn't just the front that was messed up, so thanks for the view."

When I got to my car and got in, I looked over to Mark. He was starring at me with a smirk on his face. I started my car and drove off, excited to go home.

When I got home, I went to my room and immediately changed. I didn't want to wear that outfit longer than I needed to. After I changed, I checked YouTube to see what videos Mark and Jack have uploaded. Jack uploaded an episode of Paper's Please and Happy Wheels, so I watched those. When I was done, I went to Mark's channel. He only had one video up right now, and it was Golf With Friends. He got so angry during it. That's probably why he was angry. When I finished that video, I went to see if he had uploaded the other video, and sure enough, he did. When I saw what it was, it solved my suspicions. It was a Drunk Minecraft video. I watched it and sure enough, he was drunk and angry in the video, but more towards the end. That's why he was so angry and why his breath smelled of alcohol.

I turned off my computer and went to bed. I couldn't stop thinking about that room. Would he actually use it? Or did he just say that because he was drunk? And did he mean to touch me when he fixed my skirt? I doubt it. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

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