Chapter 3- Familiar Room

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I awoke to the sound of my alarm. This time, however, I had remembered why I set it. I got up, got dressed, had some breakfast, and went on my way. I wanted to make sure I got there on time this time.

When I got there, I noticed another note on the front door. Oh no, they're not here again. I really wanted to meet them.
I took the note off and read it.

"I'm not in right now, but I will be before you're done, so we can meet. I told you I would see you today, and I'm not going back on that. On the back is the list of things I have for you to do." ~MF

Well, at least we'll be able to meet sometime today. I wish it could've been this morning, but it's okay. I turned the note over to see what it was that I had to do.

°Wash dishes
°Do laundry
*Please go into the bedroom last. What I have going on in there should be done by the time you do the other rooms.

They've got a little bit more for me to do, but not much. I mean, it's not that I mind. I did accept this job offer after all.

I fold the note and put it in my back pocket. I walked inside and decided to wash the dishes first. Dishes don't normally take me all that long to do, plus, it only involves one room. So, I walked to the kitchen and went to work on the dishes.

~10 minutes later~

It took me slightly longer than normal this time because as I was washing them, I was admiring a lot of the dishes. Some of them were very beautiful. After finishing the dishes, I decided to dust. It takes me less time to dust than to vacuum. It may sound crazy, but it's true.

~20 minutes later~

I made sure I didn't take up a lot of time checking out things. I still have a couple things on the list I need to finish. I went ahead and went to the laundry room to throw a load of laundry into the washing machine. Afterwards, I figured I should start vacuuming.  By the time I finish the other rooms, I should be able to do the bedroom.

~1 hour later~

I wiped off a bead of sweat from my forehead. Finally done with all the rooms. Now, it's time for the bedroom. I went to the bedroom door and opened it. I turned on the vacuum and started vacuuming.

~5 minutes later~

After I finished vacuuming the room, I decided to sit on the bed for a bit of a break. I starting looking around the room. As I started looking, I noticed some things. I stood up from the bed and starting walking around. This room seemed so familiar. I walked to a specific corner that stood out to me the most when I heard someone behind me.

"Well hello. You must be my servant..."

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