Chapter 17- Mixed Emotions

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Mark's POV

I left the room, leaving (Y/N) lying there. After I closed the door on her, I'll admit, I felt really bad. I honestly didn't want this to happen, but my dominant side is aggressive and comes out when a submissive is around. It loves taking charge. I know that's my personality, but when it happens like this, I despise it. I went to my bedroom for a while, not really doing anything but sulking. I may have a dominant side, but when something like this happens, I punish myself. Not in the same sense of course, but making sure I don't enjoy anything for a while.

When it was time for me to go get (Y/N), I felt slightly happier. I don't want her being in there anymore. I would've gotten her out sooner, but my dominant side wouldn't allow it. I got off my bed and walked to the room, slowly opening the door. When I got closer to her, I realized she was asleep. I looked at her face and noticed her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were puffy. Had she been crying? When I saw that, it made me feel even worse. I felt my own eyes start to water. I untied her and got her dressed in some of my spare clothes. Hers' weren't messed up or anything, but I knew her outfit wouldn't be comfortable to sleep in. I then picked her up and carried her to my bed. As I covered her up, I kissed her forehead.

"I'm so sorry. I'll make this up to you, I swear."

As I said that, I thought I saw a hint of a smile on her face. That made me feel a little better. I left the room and quietly closed the door. I decided to make dinner for the both of us. I know this won't make up for it, but it's a start. As I finished cooking, I heard (Y/N) come into the kitchen.

"Hey (Y/N), you hungry? I thought I'd make dinner for us, if you want it."

Just then, I feel her arms wrap around me. I jumped slightly, not expecting the sudden contact.

"Yes, Mark, I'm hungry. It smells amazing."

She let go of me and started to get the plates and such for dinner.

"Uh uh missy. You relax. I'll get everything ready."

"But Mark, it's my job."

I felt slightly pained at that comment. Not because she talked back, but because of what she said. It is her job, and because of it I wound up...

I dropped the spoon I was using and it clattered to the floor. I just stood there.

"I-I'm sorry Mark, I didn't mean-"

"You don't have to work here anymore."


"You don't have to work here anymore. I'm giving you the option to quit. You don't have to stay here or come here ever again, if that's what you choose. I'm not forcing you."

No. Not anymore. I won't force her with anything anymore.

"But, Mark, I asked for this job remember?"

"No, you asked for A job, not THIS job. I ASKED you to be here."

Because I needed someone here with me.

"Mark, what's this all of the sudden? Do you not want me here anymore?"

"No, I do, but I'm giving you the option to quit."

Because I know I can't force you to stay.

"But, why?"


"Because I shouldn't have asked you to work here from the start."

Because I was being selfish.

"Mark, what the hell is going on?"

"Do you?"

It's always the same.

"Mark, seriously, what's going on? Why are you acting like this?"


"Yes or no?"

Because I can't force you.

"Mark, what's wrong with you? This isn't like you."

"Yes or no (Y/N)?"

And it's getting hard to control.

"Mark, are you okay?"

"I won't ask again. Yes, or no?" I slightly raised my voice.

I don't want you here.


"Answer the question."

I need you...

There was a long silence.


My body tensed up and I instantly felt my body turn cold.


But I can't force this.

"Mark, I-"

"You can go."

Because I know it's not what you want.

"You really aren't forcing me, are you?"

I just stayed silent. I couldn't make myself say anything. I was afraid to.


I just stood there. I didn't know what to do. If I said something, she'd be gone for good.

But isn't that what I wanted?

"Please..." I whispered to myself.

I felt a tear fall from my eye, and I knew that was it. I felt her hand on my shoulder as she turned me to face her. I looked at the ground as she looked at me.

Not again...

"Mark, I'm not going anywhere."

Then, she hugged me. I hugged her back, and the tears started to fall. We stayed like that for a long time before we finally let go. I just stared at the ground.

"Let's finish dinner, shall we Mark?"

"Y-yeah. Let's."

I looked up at her and slightly smiled, and she smiled back. We finished cooking and ate dinner together. Then headed to bed. I was heading to my room when I noticed her following me.

"(Y/N), the spare bedroom is the other way."

"I'm sleeping with you tonight Mark."


"No buts Mark. I'm not leaving you in here by yourself tonight."

"Okay (Y/N), if that's what you want."

Please don't go.

We walked into my bedroom and she lied on the bed. I went to the bathroom and changed, getting in the bed afterwards. When I lied down, she held me close.

"Goodnight Mark."

"Goodnight (Y/N)."

Please stay...

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