Chapter 8- Day Off

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm, slightly dreading the day ahead. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love working for Mark, and I know he's a really sweet, caring, loveable guy, but yesterday when he was drunk, he was scary.

I walked to the bathroom to change and get ready for the day ahead of me. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were all puffy and red. I finished changing, got my keys, and walked to my car.

When I got to his house and walked to his door, there was no note today. I expected that since he'd have a hangover today.

I go to open the door, but it was locked. That's odd. He never has the door locked when I'm supposed to come over. I knocked on the door, waiting to see if he would answer. After he didn't for a while, I knocked again, louder this time. I heard noise coming from the house, and I heard him stop by the door.

"Mark, open the door. It's (Y/N)."

I heard him unlock the door, then he opened it. He was looking down as if embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N). I had a bad hangover last night and must've slept in late. Please, come in."

I walked in and he closed the door behind me.

"So, what's the chores for today sir?" I politely asked.

He turned around to face me and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well, because I slept in late, I, uh, didn't make a list of things for you to do... but you're welcome to stay if you'd like... but I'd understand if you don't want to..."

He smiled at me and let out a nervous chuckle. I smiled back at him.

"I'd love to stay. Sure I was here for work, but it'd be nice to have a day off."

He smiled at me and seemed to perk up immediately.

"Great! I'm glad you're deciding to stay."

He walked past me to go into a different room. I was actually surprised I was staying after what happened yesterday. I looked at the door. I could just leave right now. I don't actually have to stay. As I was thinking about leaving, I heard Mark call out to me.

"(Y/N) you coming!?"

"Of course sir."

I turn my back to the door and go to the living room where Mark was.

"Make yourself at home. Not that you haven't really already..."

He rubbed his neck and laughed nervously. I chuckled and walked over to him, removing his arm from his neck and placing it back by his side.

"It's okay sir. You don't have to be nervous."

I saw him smile and thought I saw a little bit of a blush on his cheeks.

"You're right. I've already known you for a while. I'm just not used to you just being here to be here and not to work. And please, today I'm Mark."

"Okay, Mark, how about we play some video games?"

He looked at me kinda surprised.

"You play video games?"

I cross my arms and cock my hip to the side.

"What, because I'm a girl? Geez Mark."

I saw him get really nervous all of the sudden.

"N-no it's not that, I just-"

I place a finger on his lips and laugh.

"I'm kidding Mark. Yes, I play video games."

I saw him blush and look down. Then I had an idea and smirked.

"Race you to your room!"

I took off towards his room, getting a head start.

"Hey, no fair!"

I heard him yell behind me and I laughed. I got to his bedroom door and opened it. I turned around and saw him running towards me. He stopped in front of me and I smirked at him.

"I won."

"But you had a head start."

He pouted and I laughed, walking into the room, Mark following behind me.

"I have heels and I still beat you Mark. Admit it, I'm faster and better than you."

He gasped and put his hand up to his chest, feeling hurt.

"How dare you say you're better than me! No one's better than the Markimoo!"

"Oh yeah? Prove it. Beat me in one of your games then."

"Okay, but let's make a deal."

I thought about it for a few seconds.

"Okay. If I win, you have to wear my outfit and do the housework yourself for a day while I sit back, relax, and watch."

He looked nervous for a moment, then I saw him smirk.

"Okay, and if I win, you have to do whatever I say, no matter what, for a whole day."

I thought about it. I pretty much do that anyway right, so what's the loss?


We both shook hands and sealed the deal. Mark walked over to his gaming cabinet to pick out a game while I sat on his bed and waited for him.

"Where are the damn controllers?" I heard Mark mumble.

I peeked around the floor next to the bed and found them lying there.

"They're over here Mark. I'll get them."

I bent over to pick up the controllers. I heard Mark cough behind me, so I sat up, making sure I brought the controllers up with me.

"Here they are."

I handed him the controllers and he grabbed them and smiled at me.

"Alright! You ready to play?"

"Of course! What are we playing?"

"Mortal Kombat IV"

He smirked at me as he said that. I know he picked it because he doesn't think I can beat him, but what he doesn't know is that I play this game very frequently and have gotten really good at it.

"Awesome! Let's play!"

He puts the game in the console and starts the game.

*30 minutes later*

"Damnit! I lost!..."

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