Chapter 10- Relaxation

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We finished breakfast, and I must say, it was delicious. I picked up the dishes and brought them to the dishwasher, placing them inside. It was silent for a moment until Mark spoke up.

"Would you like to watch Netflix? I don't really have much else to do."

"Yes, I'd love to! Can I pick what we watch?"

He chuckled slightly.

"Yes (Y/N), of course."

I jumped up and down and clapped my hands. Sometimes I act like a child, but it's okay. I ran to the living room, plopping myself on the couch. I grabbed the remote and turned on Netflix. I picked House (or whatever show you want. I just really like House XD) and clicked on the first episode, waiting for it to load. It loaded just as Mark came into the room and sat next to me. I heard him chuckle as the episode started.

"What?! I love this show! It's definitely one of my favorites."

He put his hands up in defense.

"Hey, I'm not judging. I just didn't think you liked this show. I actually really like it too."

I smiled at him as I turned my attention to the TV.

*4 hours later*
We binge watched eight episodes, and even though we both liked the show, decided to change it to American Horror Story. Mark stood up and stretched. As he did, his shirt revealed a little of his stomach. I caught myself staring, so I quickly looked away.

"Hey (Y/N) I'm going to go and make some popcorn. Would you like some?"

"I would love some Mark."

I smiled at him and he walked towards the kitchen. The episode started so I focused my attention on the screen. I had my knees up to my chest. This episode was creepy as hell. I was watching the episode when I heard someone whisper my name. I looked around me, but saw nothing. I must just be paranoid. I watched the episode a while longer until I heard my name again. Then the lights flickered. Okay, what the hell is going on!? Then I remembered that I was in Mark's house. I chuckled to myself. It's just Mark trying to scare me. The episode was almost over when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Come on Mark, I know it's you."

I reached up to touch the hand, but I could tell it wasn't Mark's. When I moved my hand, the other hand came with it. I screamed and threw the hand across the room. I got off the couch to run upstairs, but ran into something instead. I look up and see Mark, laughing. I hit him in the chest.

"Mark, you asshole!"

"Man, I got you good!"

I felt something fall down my face and I realized what it was. No, not now. I can't cry. Not in front of Mark. I tried to secretly wipe away the tear, but I heard Mark stop laughing, so I know I failed.

"Hey (Y/N), I'm sorry. I didn't mean it."

"I-I know M-Mark."

I felt him wrap me up in a hug. He was holding me tightly.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N). I didn't know it would scare you that bad."

We just stood there like that in silence for a while. In that time, I took in his scent. He smelled so good. He let go of me after a while and smiled at me. I smiled back at him, then blushed realizing how close I had been to him.

"Uh, the popcorn is done, if you'd still like some."

"Of course I'd still like some Mark. That's not going to make me leave."

He grabbed the popcorn and we both sat back down on the couch. Mark patted the seat next to him, so I sat next to him, leaning against him. He seemed a little surprised, but seemed okay with it. We continued to watch the show, eating our popcorn, and Mark's arm around me.

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