Chapter 11- Different View

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Mark's POV
(Y/N) had fallen asleep towards the end of the episode. I decided to let her sleep. I picked her up, carried her to my bedroom, and lied her on the bed, covering her up. I looked at her, and she looked so peaceful. I smiled and kissed her forehead. As I walked out the room, I realized what I just did. Why the fuck did I just do that...?

I left the door ajar just slightly when I left. I decided I should go start on dinner. I go to the kitchen and get out the things I need, then I get to work.

*1 hour later*
Everything is pretty much done. It just needs to sit on the stove for a while. I decided I should go take a quick shower. I didn't get to earlier. I went to the bathroom, stripped out of my clothes, and got in. I turned on the hot water, letting it run down my body. Man does this feel good...

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me, realizing I had forgotten to grab some other clothes. I picked up my clothes from earlier and went to my room, trying to be quiet since (Y/N) was asleep. I put the clothes down to look for some more when I notice the clothes from earlier today. I need to pick these up before (Y/N) wakes up... I mumbled to myself. I picked up both piles of clothes and brought them to the washing machine, turning it on. I walk back to my room, going back to what I was doing earlier.

When I finally found some clothes, I turned around to leave my room. When I turned around, I knocked into something, hard, falling on top. When I look, I noticed it was (Y/N). Shit, shit, what do I do?!

"So, is this how you greet everyone when they wake up?"

I laughed nervously.

"N-no. But apparently it's how I greet you when you wake up."

She laughed, but then she slowly stopped and I could see blush creep up on her face.

"M-Mark... can you please get off..."

"Uh, yeah. Sorry."

I got up off of her and held out my hand to help her up. When she stood up, she just looked at the ground.

"I'll, uh, let you get dressed."

Then she quickly left the room. Ugh, why am I so stupid?! I quickly got dressed and left the room. I saw her in the kitchen next to the stove.

"So, how does it smell?"

"It smells amazing!"

I laughed.

"I'm glad you think so. I was hoping you'd like it."

She turned around and I saw her smile turn to a frown.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, it's gotten late... so I might not be able to have any... I need to get home."

"You can stay tonight if you'd like."

"I wouldn't want to be a bother.."

"You won't be. I won't mind at all."

I smiled at her and she smiled back. I walked up to her and hugged her. Then we pulled away.

"Okay, I'll stay."


She giggled and started to get the dishes out for the food, but I stopped her.

"Uh uh. You're not doing anything tonight. I'll do it."


She sat at the table and watched me as I prepared our food. I set it on the table and sat down. I watched her take the first bite, and her face lit up.

"Oh my gosh Mark, this is amazing!"

I laughed.

"Well, I'm glad you like it."

We just sat there eating together in silence after that.

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