Chapter 19- Making It

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Mark's POV

After I told (Y/N) what was wrong, she hasn't left my side. Well, other than to go home. That didn't even last long though. Apparently she said she was moving in with me. I told her she didn't have to, but she insisted, and when she insists something, I can't really stop her.

It's been two months since she's been moved in with me, and Dark has only shown up once during that time. I think he's finally given up. We were snuggled up on the couch together, watching Tangled, and I didn't mind because it's Disney. Plus, whenever Flinn Rider, or Eugene, did the smolder, I'd look at (Y/N) and do it too, and she laughed. It's nice being able to make her laugh. We watched the movie in silence until she broke it.

"Hey Mark, is it wierd that we're living together and yet we're not even dating or married? Or, are we a thing, but neither one of us asked or said anything about it?"

Hmm, I never really thought about it. I mean, we act like a couple, but neither one of us really declares it or anything.

"I'm not really sure. I mean , I know for a fact we're at least friends, and friends live with each other all the time."

She kinda stared at me for a moment before responding.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right."

"Why, do you want us to be a thing?"

At that moment, I saw her face slightly change color.

"I, uh, I didn't say that, I was just asking, you know? I just wasn't sure."

I chuckle and pull her in tighter.

"Okay (Y/N), if you say so."

She slightly hid her face in my chest, but not so much to where she couldn't see the movie. I smiled and shook my head. I started playing with her hair, and she unhid her face.

When the movie ended, I looked at (Y/N) and noticed that she was asleep. I chuckled and picked her up. I carried her to our room and lied her down on the bed, covering her up. I look at her and smile, knowing how lucky I am to have her in my life. As I'm walking out the door, I faintly hear her say something.


I only heard my name, but she mumbled something before it that I couldn't quite hear. I went to the guest room, now my recording room, and decided to record something. Except, it wasn't going to be a video. I needed to do it before going to bed.

"Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier, and I know it's extremely late to be doing a livestream, but I need to announce something that can't be posted in a normal video, and I wanted you guys to know early and hopefully get your support..."

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