⚠ Chapter 16- Lesson ⚠

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As the day went on, it got more difficult for me to do my work. Mark did things that made me lash out, causing him to turn the vibration up higher and higher. He'd finally stopped provoking me and teasing me, but the remote was already set on eight, and I REALLY didn't want it any higher. It was hard enough doing things as is.

I was in the kitchen doing dishes and Mark was in the living room watching television. I tried washing a plate, but as I was putting it away, it slipped out of my hand and fell to the floor, shattering. Shit! No! I got on the floor and started picking up the broken pieces, with a rag of course. Don't want my hands getting cut up.

"(Y/N), what was that?!"

I heard Mark yell from the living room.

"N-Nothing S-sir!"

He walked in just as I had put the pieces in the trashcan. He walked closer to me, merely inches away.

"Are you sure? Because it didn't sound like nothing."

"I-I'm s-sure S-sir."

"You sure are stuttering a lot for something that didn't happen."

He smirks at me.

"W-what do y-you expect w-when I h-have something v-vibrating inside m-me!"

I felt the vibration go up again and I gasped.

"Don't raise your voice at me. Get back to the dishes."

"Y-yes S-sir."

I walked back over to the sink and started on the dishes again. I made sure to be extra careful this time so I didn't drop a plate. Just as I was putting the last plate away, I felt the vibration go up again and I dropped the plate. I wonder why, then I remembered Mark didn't actually leave the kitchen, and I was in front of the trashcan before he made me get back to the dishes...

I turn around and he looked extremely angry. He was walking toward me and I started backing up, until I backed up into a wall. He then pinned me against the wall, restraining my legs and arms.

"Don't EVER lie to me (Y/N)! Do you hear me?!"

I shook my head and he pushed me against the wall a little harder.

"Excuse me. Use your words."

I started to open my mouth, but I couldn't say anything. I knew why, but I didn't want him know. I shut my mouth quickly and just looked at him.

"Oh, you can't say anything? Why's that?"

I tried to get away from him, but it was a fruitless effort. I just bit my lip and looked at the floor.

"I think I know exactly why."

I looked back up at him and he was smirking. He moved his hand dangerously close to my lower region.

"My guess is that the vibration is doing something to you, am I right?"

I shook my head no, but he didn't stop. He placed his hand on my upper thigh.

"Are you sure?"

I shook my head yes. He moved his hand up my leg.

"So, if I get further, I won't, say, feel anything?"

I shook my head no, and tried another attempt at getting away. No luck.

"Well then, let's just see."

He placed his hand under my skirt and on my area, causing me to gasp. He leaned closer to my ear.

"It appears that you've lied to me again (Y/N). What did I tell you about lying?"

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