Chapter 6- Long Day

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I woke up in the morning, slightly scared as to what was to come. I just really hope he forgets about the whole incidence yesterday. I guess I should've just listened to him, but I was just so curious. I still am. I'll find someway to look in there without him knowing. I got dressed, grabbed my keys,  grabbed a banana for breakfast, and walked out the door.

When I got there, I noticed there was a note on the door, but his car was home. That's strange. I thought he didn't leave notes when he's home. I took the note down and read it.

"I am at home, but I'm busy, and do not want to be bothered right now. Your list is still on the back." ~MF

He was busy yesterday too, but he didn't seem to mind. Why is today different? I turned the paper over and read my list.

*Please do not come into my room. As I said, I am busy and don't want to be bothered. Also, the same rules apply as yesterday.

I have a lot more to do today than before. This is going to take me awhile. And I guess he does remember what happened yesterday. Great. I've made him upset at me. That's probably why he doesn't want to be bothered.

I walked inside and placed the note on the table beside the door. I went into the supply closet, grabbed the things I needed to clean the windows, and went to work.

~1 hour later~

I didn't think the windows would take me so long. For some reason, they were really dirty today. Then again, I didn't have to do them yesterday. After I finished the windows, I decided I would do the dishes, so I walked into the kitchen.

~10 minutes later~

He had more dishes than last time, so it took me twice as long as yesterday. So far, everything has taken me longer than it normally would. It's like everything has doubled. I decided I would mop next. It's a new task, so I might as well get it done so I can do the things I'm familiar with. Though, him having me mop is sorta strange. It's not like his floors could be that dirty.

~2 hours later~

How was his floor so dirty! I had to dump the dirty water and clean the mop so many times. If that happened with the mop, I wonder what's going to happen with the vacuum. I got the vacuum out of the closet and got to work.

~1 hour later~

Everything is taking longer than it normally does today. It's like Mark did this on purpose to make me stay longer. He wouldn't do that. You're just paranoid after yesterday. Just calm down. I decided to go ahead and dust. It might calm me down.

~10 minutes later~

Well at least dusting didn't take me as long. I went to go put the dusting wand and rag away when I realized I missed a place. I turn around, look at the door, and smirk. I didn't dust that doorknob yet. I went ahead and put the dusting wand away so I just had the rag. I walked over to the door and dusted the handle. Now's my chance. As I'm getting ready to open the door, I heard a scream coming from the direction of Mark's room. It wasn't a scream like someone was in pain, but more from anger. Then, I heard a loud bang. I gulped. I should probably leave. He sounds upset. I went back to the closet and put the dusting cloth away. Just as I close the door and turn around, Mark's right in front of me, looking angry. I was slightly scared. I walked around him, but he stopped me in front of the room.

"What do you think you're doing?"

I backed up against the door, and he walked closer to me.

"I-I finished my work sir. I was just going to go home."

I went to walk around him, but he pinned me against the door so I couldn't move. He looked at me, but it wasn't an ordinary look.

"Would you like to know a secret?"

I didn't have time to react to the question. He pushed himself into me and my heart raced. I heard him turn the knob to open the door, so I decided to speak up.

"Um, sir, I'm finished and would like to get home."

I felt him slightly tense up. He brought his face close to my ear and whispered to me in a very deep, stern voice. What he said sent shivers down my back.

You're not going anywhere (y/n)..."

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