Chapter 14- Disobedience

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I don't really feel like going to work today. I turned off the alarm and went back to sleep.

~1 hour later~

I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating and I groaned. I thought I'd turned it on silent. I turned over and unlocked my phone seeing it was a message from Mark.

M: (Y/N), you're late? Where are you?

I just ignored the message and lied back down. Seconds later, my phone vibrates again. I checked the screen and sure enough, another message from Mark.

M: Answer me (Y/N)

I decided I might humor him a little. I unlocked my phone and texted him back.

(Y/N): And if I don't?

M: Well, it's obviously too late for that now, isn't it?

(Y/N): Yeah, I suppose

M: Now, where are you?

(Y/N): Wouldn't you like to know?

M: That's why I asked

(Y/N): Good point

M: Damnit (Y/N), where are you?!

(Y/N): I'm sorry, Sir, but I'm afraid that's none of your concern.

M: As a matter of fact, it is. You work for me, and I demand to know your whereabouts.

(Y/N): Sorry, gotta go

M: Don't. You. Dare.

(Y/N): Buh-bye

M: (Y/N)!!

I put my phone up and laughed as I got up. I got dressed and decided I should run to the store. I've been needing to for a while now, but I've been busy with work, I haven't gotten to. I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket, grabbing my keys and heading out the door.

~3 hours later~

I needed a lot more things than I thought. I got to the checkout line and started putting my things on the conveyor when I heard a familiar voice. I look up and see Mark paying for his things. He looked over at me and we made eye contact. I could see extreme anger in his eyes. I looked away as quick as I could. Shit, shit, shit! When I got to the cashier, I kept my head down. I did not want to make eye contact with him again. After I paid for my things, I walked out of there as quickly as I could. I put my things in the trunk and got in, driving home, hoping Mark wasn't following me.

~1 hour later~

When I got home, I started unloading my groceries. When I got them all inside, I started putting all of them away. Just then, I heard a voice in my ear.

"Here, let me help you."

I jumped and turned around. Standing behind me was Mark, and he was smirking.

"What the hell Mark?! You can't just come into my house!"

"When I ask you where you are, you answer me."

"You're not my dad Mark! You don't have to know where I am 24/7!"

"Youre right, I'm not you dad, but you didn't show up for work, so I have the right to know where you are. YOU signed up for it."

He stepped closer to me and my breathing hitched. Then, I remembered something. Our deal.

"Okay, well since you're here..."

I walked away to go get my outfit and brought it back, holding it out to him.

"You can get to work."

"Excuse me?!"

"You remember our deal, don't you Mark? The one we made before I beat you at Mortal Kombat?"

I saw him mumble under his breath and snatch the outfit from my hand. I walked to the living room and he walked towards the bathroom (you have a smaller house, so it's not hard to find) to get changed. Once he was done, he came into the living room. Okay, so he kinda changed. The outfit didn't fit him, obviously, so he still had some clothes on underneath. I started laughing.

"Yeah, haha. Where do I start?"

"I-in the k-kitchen."

My words came out stuttered from laughing so much. He mumbled under his breath as he walked off, but I could kind of hear him this time.

"You won't be laughing for very long."

What is that supposed to mean? I shrugged it off as I watched TV. I heard the sink in the kitchen turn on and I knew he was working on the dishes. This is so worth it.

~4 hours later~

I moved to my room a couple hours ago because there was nothing else to watch on TV. Mark was vacuuming and I was just lying on my stomach on my bed listening to music and reading. Finally, the vacuum stopped. That was the last thing Mark had to do, then he was done. He's probably just going straight home since it's getting kinda late anyway. I took out my earbuds and heard the door close. He had left my house. I put my earbuds back in and started reading again. After a while, my eyes started hurting from staring at my phone, so I set it down and put my head in my pillows. Then, I felt something crawl on top of me. I tried to sit up, but the thing was holding me down. My earbuds came out and I heard a deep voice in my ear.

"You've been a bad girl..."

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