Chapter 13- Awkward Moment

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I was lying in bed, thinking about earlier. During the rest of the movie, I could tell Mark kept looking at me. I looked up at him once when he did, and that look was back in his eyes. I don't know what it was, but I can tell it wasn't anything good. I'm probably just imagining it. Mark would never do anything to hurt me. Finally, I drifted off to sleep.

~The next day~

I woke up and looked at the time. It was 7:00. I should probably get my uniform and change. I got out of bed and walked to the washing machine to get my uniform. I grabbed it and walked back to the room. Maybe I should shower first. I brought everything into the bathroom and made sure I closed the door. I stripped out of Mark's clothes and got in the shower. The warm water felt so good.
After I finished my shower, I dried off and got dressed. I grabbed Mark's clothes and walked out of the bathroom. When I turned the knob, it didn't feel closed though. The hell? I could've swore I closed it. I disregarded that thought and brought the clothes to the washing machine. After putting them in, I got to work. Sure I didn't have a list, but I've been here, so I know what I need to do.

I went to the kitchen and started with the dishes. There weren't very many, but they still needed to be done. After finishing with those, I thought I would dust. I went to the closet and grabbed the dusting stuff.

~10 minutes later~
After I finished dusting, I went back to the closet to put the stuff away. As I was putting it away, I heard noises coming from Mark's room. He must be recording a video. I needed to ask him if it was okay that I vacuum. I went closer to his door and listened. He was moaning. What the hell is he doing? I slightly opened the door. When I saw Mark, my jaw dropped. He was halfway under the covers, moving a lot. Just as I was about to close the door, I heard him moan my name. I stopped. Shit did he hear me?! He just kept going, so I quickly closed the door. He was doing that because of me...? I went to the living room and wrote a note.

Dear Mark,
I finished what I needed to, so I decided to go home. You probably have to record today so I don't want to be a bother. Have a nice day and see you again tomorrow.


I grabbed my keys, headed out the door, got in my car, and left. I didn't want to have to be there any longer than necessary. I need to give him some privacy. I do know one thing though. I'll never tell him about what just happened and what I saw and heard.

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