A Sacred Bond Broken ‡ |Book 3 of AUU Series|

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If You haven't Read these, read them first.

1. An Unconventional Union (A Princeton Arranged Marriage)

2. Novacane | Book 2 of AUU Series |

"No broken promises, A Sacred Bond Broken. I know I die alone, but yet and still I'm hoping."

- Tupac

It's 1 year and a 1/2 later.

More cheating, lying and deceiving, mostly from the most unexpected characters. STDs, Parenthood, and More pregnancies? New people, new morals, new decisions, and ultimatums. Engagements, Marriages, and Divorces. And someone's coming out of the closet.

Relationships? Ruined.

Trust? Lost.

Morals? Forgotten.

Bonds? Broken.

A Sacred Bond Broken ‡ |Book 3 of AUU Series|Where stories live. Discover now