Chapitre Quinze

889 54 29

((January 2nd))

± Kay'Lani ±

"Out of all my modeling experience, I've never been on a jet." I admit to Kenneth after finishing my hearty breakfast.

He grinned, "Forreal? Well then it's my pleasure."

"How long 'til we land?" I ask.

"A couple minutes. Wanna play a game to pass time?" He suggests.

"What kind of game?"

"20 questions, except we ask questions about ourselves and see who can get them all right. Person with the most amount of points in the end wins." Ken explains.

"Wins what?" I ask with a slight smirk.

"Make it a surprise."

"Alright, you start it off." I tell him.

"Ok. Where was I born?"

"Paris." I answer easily. "How many languages do I speak?"

"3. English, Spanish, and you're learning French." He answered like he didn't even have to think about it. "What was my worst experience in life?"

"Losing De'Juan's mom, Destiny. What would I say was my greatest accomplishment?"

"Graduating from college. What's a random fact about me?"

"You think completely hairless vaginas are weird. Where w-" Kenneth cut me off. 

"Wait." He laughed. "I told you that? When?"

"On the phone one night. We were both half awake and we were just telling random facts about ourselves."

He doubled over with laughter. "Oh yea, that's the same night you told me you might've been a stripper in your past life."

I bet I went as red as a tomato, "We shall not speak of the facts we shared that night, deal?"

 "Deal, but yo, I have never told anyone that besides you, ever."

I smiled and we continued the game. At the end I won by 1 point.

"Yay! So what do I win?" I cheered.

"Hold on." He dug into his hoodie pocket a pulled something out. "I let you win," He told me, coming over and sitting in the seat next to me.

I frowned, "Why?"

"So I could do this." Kenneth kneeled down in front of me an revealed an all too familiar suede box.

I was shocked, stunned, surprised, all of the above. Was he about to do what I think he was? Has he lost his mind? Maybe I'm over thinking, getting way ahead of myself?

"Before you freak out, I gotta say something. That time in Walmart was not the first time I saw you. I went to college in Virginia and I worked at a jewelry store in the mall. That's where I first saw you. You were with that Chresanto nigga and you looked genuinely happy. I thought you were one of the most gorgeous women I'd ever seen. So when I moved back down here after graduation and I saw you in Walmart, I thought it was faith, and I knew I would've regretted not speaking to you, so I did. We hung out everyday since we met and we even spoke a little about marriage. That whole conversation, I was envisioning you as my wife. I know we've only known eachother for a month, give or take, but you can't say we barely know eachother. I know nearly every important detail about you that you would tell, and then some. So, Kai'Lani Jules-Xeymarah Gonzalez, daughter of Michael Gonzalez, Rosario Cortez, and Heather Gonzalez, born in Panama City, Panama, twin of she who shall not be named, and mother of beautiful Kastina August, will you marry me?"

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