Chapitre Dix

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Merry Christmas! This is my gift to all my readers.

 Kay'Lani in MM ---->

((December 25th))

± Sydni ±

I feel like a complete sack of unicorn shit.

No one has seen or heard from Kay'Lani since that God awful phone call. And it's all my fault.

At first I thought she went out and hurt herself, but I know she hasn't because wherever she is, she took Kastina with her. And Kay'Lani's not that type of person. She would probably want to harm the cause rather than herself. Which is understandable. And to make matters worse, I find out that Jõrnae is the one who told Craig. He thought I was sleeping with Rayan, disgusting. 

Craig still hasn't came around, but I don't blame him. I really cut him deep. 

As for me, my baby bump is bigger but nothing else has really changed. Hopefully I'll continue to have a peaceful pregnancy.

This morning at exactly 12 a.m. Niko made me open a gift from him. It turned out to be an engagement ring, and of course, I said yes. And speaking of engagement rings, when I went to give Craig's back, he didn't even want it. So I pawned it and gave the money to a group of homeless women. 

I'm happy with Niko, truly, but the guilt is eating me from the inside out. And just like Craig hoped, it's staying with me for a long time.

× Chresanto ×

It's true, I have aids. Now ain't that some shit. But that's what I get for wanting to fuck around. I shouldn't have ever asked to be open and maybe Kay'Lani and I would be happy together with our baby girl. Maybe I'd know where they were at this moment. And maybe I wouldn't have aids. I was thinking with the wrong head.

But I got a plan to turn this all around. And I just hope it doesn't blow up in my face.

I'm getting my girl back.

± Kay'Lani ±

"Feliz Navidad!" I call to my mamá from the kitchen when she comes down the stairs.

"Ah, Feliz Navidad." She responds, hugging Kassie and I.

"I made you a cup of coffee." I tell her, pointing to the '#1 Abuela' mug I bought her.

"Gracias mija." She says with a smile.

"There's more." I say, leading her into the living room where the tree was.

Kassie gasped. "What that?" She asked pointing to all the gifts.

"Those are presents baby," I say sitting down beside her. I got my moms boxes and passed them to her. "For you."

"Kai, you didn't have too."

"I know. But I wanted too. Plus, think of it as a thanks for letting me stay here with you for a while."

"Anytime baby." She says eyeing her gifts before she started removing the gift wrap.

Kastina gasped again. "Uh oh." 

I laughed, she's so dramatic. "Here." I say handing her a gift. 

She just looked at it, and then watched how mamá ripped the wrapping paper. Soon enough she was having a ball opening her gifts and I just had to film it.

I got Kastina a bunch of things. From clothes to toys and back to clothes. And mamá, I got her some clothes, jewelry, a spa retreat gift card, and I still had one more gift.

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