Chapitre Douze

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Jacquees in MM ---> 

± Kay'Lani ±

After my conversation with Jacquees I thought about how I let a few people go on thinking I was almost 2 years celibate, when really I had to start back over in April. Even Sydni, but come to think of it, she did mention it at the hospital. So she knew? How'd she know? I thought long and hard as I remembered the sound of a door closing that woke me up that morning. It had to have been Sydni, I was hella discreet about it and know one would've ever knew unless I told them.

- F L A S H B A C K -

((April 15th))

"Alright. I wanna start by thanking everybody that came out tonight." Jacquees says on stage with his Mic. "I wasn't really expecting anything. It was just plain old 22 but tonight was amazing, best surprise party ever. And I wanna thank the people that made it all happen. Mainly my girl Kay'Lani," He says. I blush as a light shone on me and everyone clapped. I mouthed my "Your welcome" before he continued. "So I'm gonna sing the last songs of tonight, and would like to ask if she can come up here with me."

I froze. Good lord. I throw him a surprise party and he still finds a way to come back and surprise me.

Everyone continued to clap for me as I slowly made my way onto the stage. He pulled me into a hug and said in my ear, "Cause I know you haven't had fun in a while."

Which was true. I just had my first child 5 months ago and haven't really had time for anything else but her. But I made an exception for Jacquees, he's special. Her father, my current boyfriend, wasn't even there for it. He was probably somewhere having sex with a background dancer, or trying to find a way for me to be okay with the fact he wants to go out and fuck anything with tits and three holes. Instead, Jacquees was there. But no one knows that but the people that were there; My dad, his wife, my mamá, Sydni, and my twin sister. Everyone else was away on tour and we couldn't get a hold of them. Quees was practically there throughout the whole pregnancy. He became my second roommate when Gonzalo became infatuated with the group and started touring with them, hired as Jacobs hairdresser,...yea, don't ask. The night after I had Kastina, Jacquees flew back out to Atlanta because Chres came home. I could never forget those months though.

Back to the point.

"First, we're gonna sing what I sung the first night we met." He says into the Mic, then I heard the beat of 5 steps.

We danced and sang to that and then Weak started to play. You can imagine my surprise when my favorite singers poured from the speakers, and I'm stuck wondering if he knew that or not.

After we finished, the hostess played a few songs on low as people got ready to leave. I started to look for Sydni but figured she was on her way out. So I started to look for Jacquees; he appears and disappears faster than you can say "5 steps". I went upstairs to his bedroom and I found him putting a bunch of gift boxes in his closet, each opened just a little. I went in and quietly closed the door. 

"Hey," He says looking over at me with a smile.

"How you know I was in here?" I ask.

"I felt your presence. But wassup?" He asked sitting on the bed.

"I got you something." I say, going and sitting beside him. I pulled out a small box from my bag and handed it to him.

"But didn't you already get me something?" 

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