A Fictitious Relationship

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Shawn POV

"You are formally invited to the wedding of Erik John Carter and Naomi Elaine Campbell blah blah blah" I mocked as I walked up and down my mothers living room. My mom wasn't paying me much attention, she sat on the couch knitting away ignoring my rant which she did often. She was one of those mothers who preferred not to get involved with our sibling rivalry and unprofitable arguments.So she enjoyed knitting, she found it the perfect distraction from our words and the tools could always be used to poke us in the end if we said something she didn't like. I remember as a kid when we couldn't afford to buy sweaters in the winter she knitted all of them for us well... in all honesty she knitted anything she could get us in but we drew the line at pants. She got the wool for free because she was working in a factory with far too much to spare and even back then Erik was a dick head. He didn't like to wear the knitted clothes mom could make so he went to his drug dealing friends and got into the game so he could buy himself clothes. He wanted to impress the girls in school. That's how I got into it all. I wanted the good clothes too, not just for me though (Because I'm not a selfish pig like that scumbag) but for my sisters too. Michelle was around 17 while I was 13 and I was trying to get money to get her clothes but she knew that wouldn't be enough so she became a prostitute. The only innocent one of us was my little sister Annie. She was just a baby back then, around 2. The last good thing my dad did before he left was give us our sister. Not that he had really been around. After I was born he just dropped in whenever he felt like in and when my mom ended up pregnant with Annie he left.  Annie and I were always really close out of all of us, we still are. Erik however, no one liked him. None of us could stand him. I don't even think Mom liked him. "I'm not going to that wedding just so he can rub it in my face again, when he got engaged he walked around with the woman like a doll and told us all. He looked at me and was like 'Oh ha ha look at him without a girlfriend' " I mocked again, I really couldn't stand his ass.

"Well Maybe he has a point, Honey. I've told you this Shawn. You're 39 soon and you don't even have a girlfriend. Annie's 27 and she's got a boyfriend, Michelle's 43 and has 4 children already. I'm very disappointed in you, you would have thought someone who's constantly off on tour around the world would have found a woman by now" Yep, that's what my family's like. Always telling me to get a girlfriend, making fun of me, harassing me. It was the same at every family event I didn't want to go to. "Who was that petty young lady at the Grammy's with you?" She asked but I had told her a million times already I didn't go to the Grammy's with her, we met on the carpet and took some photos. TMZ just likes to mess shit up. 

"You know I didn't go with her" I sighed and sat on the couch next to her looking over the item of clothing she was knitting, 

"You should have a girlfriend, I'm ashamed of you sometimes" She admitted with a shrug, 

"Mom. I have a girlfriend" I lied. I didn't have a girlfriend but if it meant that she'd shut up about all of this then that's what I had to do, the only one who didn't annoy me with this is Annie. Annie's always got my back, that's my G right there.

"You? You have a girlfriend?" My mom chuckled lightly, see what I meant. Everyone enjoyed making fun of me about this. Her light chuckling moved on to hard laughing causing me to jump up off the couch and look down at her and I began walking up and down the room again. 

"Yes I do. Mom, I'm Jay-z, I'm a millionaire, I'm famous. I got awards. I got a record label. Clothes. I own Rihanna. Mom, I'm not girlfriend repellent" I pointed out. These people were crazy, the didn't think I could get a girlfriend but then they harassed me for not having one. What the hell was I supposed to do? I didn't know why everyone thought it was so hard for me to get a girlfriend, I don't have one but that's only because I can't find the right person right now not because I'm undesirable. I've got swag, okay? I'm Jigga man.

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