A fictitious Relationship

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Beyoncé POV

I looked over my suitcase for the first time since leaving home, I knew I shouldn't have left it alone with Nicki! I just knew it! I ran my hand over the fabric of the skimpy lingerie and gasped pulling them out looking everywhere for some simple pyjamas I could wear in this man's house. Why would she do this? She took all of my pyjamas out and shoved in all this bullshit, stuff I only wear on the rare occasion I need it.  I sighed and closed the suitcase before looking around the guest room Jay had let me stay in for the meantime. We'll be flying to Paris tomorrow so it's only one night- Shit! I'll be sharing a room with him! With no pyjamas! I quickly jumped up and ran down the hall to Nicki's room banging on the door angrily, "Nicki!" I yelled, 

"Giselle?" She answered, I pushed the door open and looked down at her, "Hi honey" She smiled innocently and I crossed my arms. 

"Where are my pyjamas?" I asked her, "I'm not walking around practically naked in front of your brother" I told her. She rolled her eyes just a little and walked over to me, 

"Bey, you've got to act like you're together. I was just helping the illusion" She chuckled a little and I shook my head knowing that wasn't true, 

"No! You're trying to get us together, for real" I looked around her room and quickly grabbed one of her sets of pyjamas that she had laying on her bed and then threw her shoe at her, "Nicki!" I yelled finally before storming out of her room and then falling to the ground when I bumped into a large figure, 

"Oh Shit!" Jay said as he leaned down to help me off the ground, "I was just coming to see what all the commotion was about" He looked down at me and licked him lips just a little before looking over to his sister who smiled hard, "Anything I can help with?" He asked, I went to say No but Nicki spoke before me, 

"Actually yes" I shot my head in her direction and she held her hands together innocently, "Well Bey seems to have misplaced all of her pyjamas and I don't have enough spare so maybe on our trip you could provide her with some shirts to wear at bed time" He looked at his sister with his eyebrows pulled together before looking back at me and nodding slowly, 

"Okay, yeah sure. I've already packed extra, for tonight I'll go and get you a shirt now" He then looked back at Nicki who walked over to us and grabbed her pyjamas out of my hand and threw them on her bed with a smug look on her face, "It's pretty late, we should get some sleep. The next few weeks are gonna be a lot of hard work" He chuckled just a little and began walking away when Nicki looked at me and repeated with a wink, 

"Hard, Hard work" She then closed her door in my face and I kicked it a little in annoyance, this girl! How could she do this to me? Why? I'm not gonna go out with her brother, I'm faking it because she's a good friend. That's all. I looked down the hall and saw Shawn walk into a bedroom. I was rather nosy so I followed behind him and stood at his bedroom door looking in. He took of his shirt and revealed his body. 

"You can come in" He smirked a little and I awkwardly pushed his door all the way open and stepped into his room with my eyes on his body, he did have a good body. Firm, dark, smooth. It was all right, I mean I've seen better. "Here" He said as he handed me one of his big tops, I took it from his hand with a smile and then took a look around his room, 

"Thanks" I said, "You have a nice room, a lot better than the guest room" I laughed a little and he laughed too. before he replied, 

"You wanna sleep in here instead?" He chuckled so I knew he was just joking but I've got the next few weeks to sleep with him. Well not sleep with him like that but sleep in the same bed as him. I wasn't looking forward to that part, I would have to share a bed with him

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