A Fictitious Relationship

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Beyoncé POV

The woman looked at Shawn with confused and worried eyes. Of course she was panicking but she tried her hardest not to show it as she handed me the first aid box and asked, 

"Ambulance?" Her accent was strong and I was sure her English wasn't too good but she tried. I shook my head to say no and she rushed out of the room closing the door behind her while I looked down at Carter with the same worried eyes she had used when she looked at him. 

"Baby" I said breathlessly. I pulled up his shirt and looked at the wound, it wasn't too deep and I knew a lot about human anatomy. I took a few medicine classes when I was bored once and although I'm not that kind of doctor I had a pretty good idea of what I was doing. I had to clean him up and stitch him up but it was going to hurt. I didn't have any pain killers and tablets would take too long, I had to do it now. "This is going to hurt" I told him. He closed his eyes tightly and bit down on his bottom lip nodding his head. "I love you" I told him before wiping away blood with an alcohol saturated bandage and beginning to stitch. 


Shawn was fast asleep on the bed when Nicki walked in and ran over to him. I sat on the other side of the bed so that I was facing the two of them and then took his hand in mine. "He'll be fine, I just want to know what happened" I said. She looked up at me and sighed, 

"I haven't got a clue" She replied. "I'm fed up with all of this. It's all drama after drama and I've had enough. I just want to go home and get back to normal" I looked over at her and in an instant replied, 

"Things are not going to be normal" I told her, "He's changed me, Nick. I don't want things to be normal, I want him and that's going to change everything." She smiled at me then lifted her hand to my face, 

"I kinda wanted that to happen" She laughed, "Not everything needs to change though, I probably won't be at your house every day and night and you'll be a lot happier and work a little less but not everything is going to change." I shook my head and looked down at him, 

"You're always forgetting the most obvious thing" I looked up at her, "Your brother is Jay Z. I know you've seen all the cameras around and we're not even in america. What happens when we get back? Our relationship will be broadcasted like no tomorrow and things are going to be different. I'm used to the attention but it's always been for my work, now they'll be asking different things and looking for different things that aren't about science but my relationship to the biggest rapper in the world. I don't want that, I might have to make some changes to my publicity plans" I paused for a moment and then sighed, "That's if this all continues when we get home" She gasped and shook her head, 

"Are you stupid?" She asked, "Of course it will, y'all love each other" She looked down at him and kissed his cheek lightly. 

"Yeah" I smiled a little and looked at his face as he slept. "I could get used to waking up to this every morning. Walking on red carpets and listening to other artists in the studio" I laughed. She began laughing with me and soon enough the two of us just couldn't stop laughing. We weren't sure why were were laughing so hard but it just felt good to laugh when there was so much drama. I wasn't a big fan of the drama wither. 

"Naomi couldn't get on the plan" She said slowly, I looked up at her in shock and she continued, "She told me that she was too late or something so she's stuck in Venice until she can book the next flight but it's in two days. She's staying at some rundown hotel on the outskirts of the city but she won't tell me whee just in case I tell Erik or something. She doesn't want us to find her." I groaned a little wondering when this would all stop and then said, 

"We've got to fine her" Nicki looked at me as if she had been thinking the same thing and I continued, "She can't be alone in a country she's never been to before. It's not safe at all and I know that she's probably feeling a lot of emotions right now. We've got to go and find her, we don't need to bring her back or make her get married but we have to make sure she's safe and get's home okay. We can get her to get on the plane with her parents and her brother so that she's not alone and they can grieve together, it's better that way" I continued to circle my thumb on the back of Shawn's hand and every now and then I'd take a quick glance down at him. 

"I know but she could be anywhere" Nicki reminded me, 

"She's probably at the closest hotel she could find when she left the airport." I gathered, 

"But hotels near airports aren't rundown"  I nodded my head in agreement and looked down at Shawn again, he wouldn't let me go unless I was sure of where Naomi was and knew that it would be safe but I had to do this. 

"We'll look for the most rundown one, we'll search everywhere for her." I shrugged and sighed, "If we don't find her at least we got to take a good look around" Nicki chuckled just a little then looked down at Shawn too, 

"He's not gonna let you go" She told me, 

"He'll have to" I told her. 

When Shawn finally woke up and saw me packing a few things I had to tell him what I wanted to do and as we predicted he was strongly against me going. 

"Bey!" He yelled, "You can't go gallivanting around a foreign country looking for Naomi" He tried but I still wasn't listening. He kept on telling me not to go but I just shut him out and continued to get ready because there was no way I was letting her be alone in a time like this, "Why can't you just call her? tell her to meet her family at the airport." I looked at him with stern eyes and he shrugged innocently, 

"She doesn't answer the phone. She just sends Nicki a message every now and then so that Nick knows she's okay but I can't let her stay alone. It's not right" Shawn looked defeated and I walked up to him placing me hands either side of his face, "Everything is going to be fine baby. Don't worry" I told him but he still looked worried. 

"I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you were hurt" He told me as he wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me in to him. 

"I know" I smiled, "But I've got to do this." I turned away from him and zipped up my little bag ready to meet Nicki so that we can go. 

"Well I'm coming too" He said abruptly as he pulled out a bag and began packing. I quickly turned to face him and shook my head, 

"No, You can't. You're not exactly in the best condition" I told him but he didn't listen. God! Why are we both so stubborn?  "Shawn! Shawn, stop" I tried pulling his things out of his hand but he just grabbed them back. "What happened to you anyway?" I asked placing my hands on my hips. 

"I was stabbed" He told me blankly. I gave him a sarcastic chuckle and then threw my hands into the air in defeat, 

"Oh really? I hadn't noticed" He laughed a little too but I didn't think it was a laughing matter at all so I glared at him and he sighed, 

"Erik got drunk, he was angry at you because he thinks you're the reason Naomi's gone and so I stood up for you but things got out of hand and he stabbed me" He explained. I immediately got angry and thought of a million ways to kill Erik and get away with it, I was sure Shawn knew what I was thinking so he walked over to me and rubbed my shoulders to calm me down. "But thanks to mrs genius I'm gonna be okay" He kissed my forehead and I smiled lightly before looking down at his bag and looking back up at him. 

"You're not gonna let me go without you" I observed, 

"Absolutely" He clarified and the two of us began laughing. 

--- Thank you for reading. They're going on a trip to save Naomi!!!!! 

Please vote and comment, I really can't be bothered for questions today so just do ya thing. Hope you're all okay and Happy birthday to Miss Blue Carter and anyone else who has their birthday today. 

BTW: Didn't proof read... oh well. 

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