A Fictitious Relationship

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  Beyoncé POV

Regardless of your chosen faith, at the end of your life's journey, your heart will be measured in two ways. One, the weight of your conscience must far outweigh the weight of a feather. Two, any impurities in your heart must weigh no more than one feather. The purer your heart, the lighter your spirit will be. The lighter your spirit, the closer to light it will float. The closer to light it is permitted to go, the higher it will float. The higher it floats, the closer to God you will be. Heaven has seven layers. The vibrations of your good deeds, which will be reflected by the weight of your conscience and the purity of your heart, will determine the layer in which your soul will reside. Your goal is to make your heart as light as a feather. The heavier the heart, the more chained to this hell it will remain.  

Keeping those words in mind I always tried to act selflessly, I wanted to act in a way where I wouldn't think back to the decision I made and regret it. I didn't want to think about anything and wonder what would have happened if I acted differently because I knew that once you made a decision there was no going back and so you had better make the right one. I believed in being a reliable person, so If I said I would do something I would do it and if you were expecting something from me I would deliver much more than you assumed because I also believe in defeating expectations. I give no less than 110% to any commitment. That was what made this all so hard, Nicki was more than a friend. She was sister and so her asking me to do something meant that she needed the job done to the best standard possible and once I agreed there would be no turning back because she knew me better than I knew myself. 

I was sat in the car on my way home thinking about all she had said to me, she hadn't told me much other than the fact that her brother needed a fake girlfriend and to her I was the best person for the job. How could I be a fake girlfriend to a man I've never met or heard anything about? All I know is that his name is Shawn Carter and his sister is my best friend. I guess that fact that his sister is Nicki should make me agree without a doubt because I trust her with my life but this is a hard choice to make. I have so much work to get done, a lot of things right at the top of my priority list that I can't just put on hold for some guy I don't know. Why does he need a fake girlfriend anyway? What would he possibly get out of that? The only reasoning behind needing a fake girl would be that he couldn't possibly get a real one and that putts me off the situation even more. 

I looked forward at the driver and sighed a little before rubbing my eyes, what was I supposed to do? Wasn't he in New York? Did I need to go all the way there to be his girlfriend for a day or two and then come back pretending as if none of it ever happened at all? None of this was really making sense, what was I going to get out of this? What did pretending to be his partner entail? Once we arrived at my house I jumped out of the car and walked  toward the front door with the driver pulling up to the gate waiting to be let off the estate.

I looked forward at the driver and sighed a little before rubbing my eyes, what was I supposed to do? Wasn't he in New York? Did I need to go all the way there to be his girlfriend for a day or two and then come back pretending as if none of it ev...

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 As I opened the large door I looked down the hall and wondered exactly which room Nicki would be in before she came running toward me in her pyjamas and hugged me almost knocking me off my feet. 

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